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| |
| ================= |
| by Scott T.S. Trimble |
| |
| originally created 19 Sep 1993 |
| "The Queen of the Damned" update 01 Jul 1994 |
| uploading to America Online update 01 Jul 1994 |
| "The Tale of The Body Thief" update 04 Nov 1994 |
| miscellaneous revisions 12 Nov 1994 |
| |

Just for fun! If a vampire turns you into one of his kind, couldn't you
say, genealogically, that he or she is your parent? And wouldn't others who
were turned into a bloodsucker by the same vampire be your siblings? With
this in mind, it would be easy to create a genealogy chart of the vampires
from Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles". The following chart is from the
four novels: "Interview With the Vampire", "The Vampire Lestat", "The Queen
of the Damned", and "The Tale of the Body Thief". If you haven't read any
of these books yet (and plan on doing so), you might not want to continue
reading this.

On the chart, the " | " shows a human relationship (i.e. "real" genealogy).
The " I " shows a vampire relationship. The second chart, from "The Tale of
the Body Thief", shows the trading of bodies that took place. At the top is
the body, and beneath it are listed the souls who inhabited that body.
Thank you to America Online member "Darby007" for pointing out that Mael and
Marius are "brothers".

You can print out the chart below by copying it to your word processor.
Make all margins zero inches and change the font to Courier Size 12. It
should fill one page exactly.

By the way, "The Great Family" is especially interesting to us genealogists.

About 4000 BC, Maharet had a daughter named Miriam. By becoming a vampire,
Maharet, of course, became immortal and would thus live forever. So, for
six thousand years, about three hundred generations, Maharet has been
keeping track of the maternal descendents of her daughter Miriam.

Anyway, enjoy the chart and you can contact me if you have any questions:
Internet E-Mail address is at "".

The Time The Old

Before Coven:
The Moon Amel the Spirit
| I
Fifty Generations Akasha, The Queen of the Damned
| / / / / / / / I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Miriam / / / / / / / /I\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
| ______/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_I_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ \ \ \
| I / / / / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \|\ \ \ \
_|_ Khayman / / / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ Enkil \ \ \
| | __I_______ / / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
| | I I I / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
| Mikare I Hundreds of / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
| the Twin I Other Vampires \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
| I I ___I__________________________________ \
| I_________I I I
| I The God of the Grove ____________ Magnus
Maharet the Twin ___I____ | | I
I + Khayman I I | Lestat De LIONCOURT
I | Marius Mael | ______________I____________
I Miriam ___I______ | I I I I I
I | I I | Marquise I Louis Du I I
I | Pandora Armand | Gabrielle I POINTE Du LAC I I
I __|__________ I | De LIONCOURT I I I I
I | | Daniel MOLLOY | | I Madeleine I I
I Three Hundred | "The Interviewer" |_____| Nicolas I I
I Generations | De LENFENT I I
I | The Great Claudia I
I | Family The New Coven Mikare I
I Dagmar (after deaths of / / / \ \ \ I
I | Akasha & Enkil): / / / \ Maharet David
I Frieda / / / / \ \ \ \ TALBOT
I | Lestat De LIONCOURT (in the
I Frances, Louise, Elizabeth Louis De POINTE Du LAC body of
I Janet Belle, Anne, Jane Marie, Daniel MOLLOY the London
I Charlotte, Alice Gabrielle De LIONCOURT mechanic)
I | Jessica Miriam REEVES
_I______ Miriam Armand
I I | Eric Marius
I Jessica Miriam REEVES Mael Khayman
Eric Body Santino Pandora
Raglan The London David Lestat
============== ===================== =========== ==================
Raglan JAMES London mechanic David TALBOT Lestat De LIONCOURT
London mechanic Raglan JAMES Raglan JAMES Raglan JAMES
(death) Lestat de LIONCOURT (death) Lestat De LIONCOURT
David TALBOT (vampire)

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