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This question is from May-June 2020 paper 23. Exercise 5.

You love music, and you have recently joined a band at school.

Write an email to a friend about the band.

In your email, you should:

• describe the other people in the band

• say why you have enjoyed playing in the band so far

• explain what plans the band has for the future.

The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long.

Dear Swara,

My dream came true last week. I am now a part of a band at school! After acing the auditions- I am give
the title of the lead guitarist.

The students in my band have been so welcoming and I feel like I belong there. The other instrument
players are extraordinarily talented- they know their techniques and notes perfectly. And you won’t
believe that our lead singer was a finalist in our local competition. Ever after being so accomplished, she
has an aura of humbleness.

We are a rock band and so we often do gigs at our local diner or at some parties. During my first gig, I
was given a guitar solo. It was something I had composed for the first time and was really anxious to
play it in front of everyone. There were about fifty people at the diner! But my band mates encouraged
me and cheered for me. Halfway into the solo I got comfortable and had so much fun playing it.

Now, plan on continuing the gigs and at the same time working on the original songs that we have
written. In the next month, after we have prepared, we might go to a recording studio.

Tell me what you think.



Word Count- 207 words

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