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Standard & Procedure


Task:House Bank Procedures Date Updated:2013/10/10

REF 编号: FB-SOP-D&D-041
任务: 备用金管理 更新日期:2013/10/10

Department: Food and Beverage Initiated by: Director – Food & Beverage Signature: Stephane Tremblay
部门: 餐饮部 拟稿:餐饮部总监 签名:

Section: Approved by: General Manager Signature: Richard Deutl

分组: 批准:总经理 签名:

Standard 标准:
It is the standard of St. Regis Hotels & Resorts that each restaurant appointed cashier will be issued with a house bank to ensure
that enough cash float is on hand to provide change at all times.

Procedure 程序:

(1) House Bank cash float will be provided to venue cashiers.


(2) This house bank will be issued to all cashiers with the signing of the House Bank Contract and the approval from the
venue manager and final approval from the division head.

(3) Morning shift cashier collects the safe key from security to open the house bank safe box for the venue.
早班收银员从保安处领取备用金钥匙, 开启保险柜领用各部门的备用金

(4) House bank should be handed over to next shift’s cashier by logbook after morning/noon shift.

(5) Night shift must lock the house bank to the safe box and return the key to security department by a sealed envelope.
晚班收银结束本班工作时,将备用金存入保险箱, 将钥匙封于信封交于保安处

(6) Each shift Cashier is responsible to maintain the float at the EXACT amount per contract.

(7) Not accept any Cash over or short.


(8) Each month, the Income Auditor or General Cashier and a witness will count the house bank.

- End -

Last Update 10/12/2013 PAGE: 1/1

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