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• Protein-rich foods help to ground you and give you physical strength,
which then helps to boost emotional strength. Good examples
include beans, tofu, green peas, spinach, and almonds.

• Red foods automatically influence your root chakra because of its

association with the color red. These foods usually give you lots of
vitamin C, as a bonus. Think of strawberries, cherries, tomatoes and
red bell peppers.

• Root vegetables like beets, garlic, and potatoes are all grounding too,
partly because they grow in the soil. This link to the earth foundations
means they can also help to rebalance a misaligned chakra.
❑ “Wherever I am, I am safe and secure.”
❑ “I am stable, grounded and relaxed in this moment.”
❑ “All of my safety needs will always be met.”
❑ “I have a healthy body, a healthy mind, and an abundant life.”
❑ “I am anchored to the earth and supported by the universe.”
❑ “The universe will always support me and show me where to go next.”
❑ “I deserve and receive support whenever I need it.”
❑ “The universe will always provide for me.”
❑ “I feel my root chakra opening, and I feel myself stabilizing.”
❑ “I am secure and happy in my home.”
• Oranges: As mentioned above, orange is the color that represents your sacral
chakra, so it’s no surprise that the fruit shares this connection. However, any
fleshy fruits can help to keep your sacral chakra aligned. This includes papayas,
mangoes, and peaches.
• Seeds: Chakra experts would advise you to eat just about any seed if you want
to work on the sacral area. Good seeds include pumpkin, sunflower, poppy, and
• Coconuts: Bursting with healthy oils and fats that promote cardiovascular
health, coconuts can increase your energy levels and get you into the right
mood to be creative. As such, they’re a popular choice for people struggling
with second chakra issues like low inspiration.
• Broths and teas: Clear liquids have always been said to heal your sacral chakra,
so a tasty vegetable broth or fruit tea is an excellent option.
❑ “I deserve to experience pleasure and have my needs met.”
❑ “I am confident that what I offer the world is enough.”
❑ “It is safe to express my sexual self in fun, creative and healthy ways.”
❑ “I attract relationships with loving, good people who will support me.”
❑ “I know I can embrace change and make the best of my future.”
❑ “Every day, I experience more and more joy and satisfaction.”
❑ “I am full of inspiration and the potential for creation.”
❑ “My body is vibrant, and I am comfortable inside it.”
❑ “I am a strong, creative person and I love what I create.”
❑ “I am ready for positive change and for deep personal growth.”
• Yellow peppers: Since yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra, you
can’t go wrong when adding more yellow peppers to your diet.
• Complex carbohydrates: Given that the solar plexus chakra plays a big role
in the energy you have for pursuing goals, it’s smart to go for food that gives
you a steady, sustained supply of energy instead of just a spike in blood
sugar. Good examples include brown rice, brown bread, and wholegrain
• Corn: Another bright, optimistic yellow food, corn can nourish the solar
plexus chakra and give your well-being an extra boost. It is often the first
solar plexus food mentioned in a beginner’s guide to chakras.
• Chamomile tea: While not strictly a food, chamomile tea has always been
recommended to help treat a solar plexus chakra blockage. It can also settle
an unsettled stomach
❑ “I am the embodiment of inner peace and confidence.”
❑ “I have high self-esteem and feel better about myself every day.”
❑ “We don’t need to be in control of everything in our lives.”
❑ “I'm powerful, and I am comfortable with that power.”
❑ “I feel motivated to pursue my purpose.”
❑ “I release myself from negative past experiences.”
❑ “I'm ambitious, capable, and ready to fulfill my purpose.”
❑ “I know I am worthy, good and capable.”
❑ “I forgive myself for past mistakes, and I learn from them.”
❑ “The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations.”
• Green foods: Anything green is linked to the heart chakra. This means
you can’t go wrong with ingredients like kale, limes, green bell peppers,
spinach and green apples. All of these can help balance your heart.
• Warm soups: A hearty and rich soup can help to replenish your
emotional stores and help you recover from difficult experiences. There
is also anecdotal evidence that soups can promote recovery from illness,
and the immune system is often at low capacity when charkas are
• Foods rich in vitamin C: Finally, orange juice, strawberries and other
fruits that contain plenty of vitamin C can help the heart chakra. You can
combine these fruits with green vegetables to create a super healthy
• “I choose joy, compassion, and love.”
• “I love myself unconditionally, and offer the same love to others.”
• “My heart is free from all the wounds of the past.”
• “I know my own emotions, and I accept whatever form they may take.”
• “I forgive others, and I forgive myself.”
• “Every day, I fulfil my heart’s desire.”
• “I am open to love, and receive more of it every day.”
• “I give love freely, and it brings me joy.”
• “My heart chakra is open, and I am well.”
• “I create supportive, loving relationships that are good for me.”
• Blueberries: Perhaps unsurprisingly (given their blue hue), blueberries
are among the most potent foods for the throat chakra. They can be
mixed with blackberries and coconut to create a delicious, healing
smoothie for the throat chakra. Try consuming it when you know you’re
going to have to have a challenging conversation!
• Fruits that grow on trees: Apples, oranges and all other fruits that grow
on trees are traditionally associated with the throat chakra. Experts say
this is because these foods symbolize authenticity (due to the fact they
only fall from their tree when they’re ready to eat).
• Simple spices: Add salt, lemongrass or ginger to foods when you’re
trying to heal the throat chakra. All of these promote clear self-
❑ “I can vocalize my emotions, no matter what they are.”
❑ “My voice is important in this world.”
❑ “I honor my true voice, and I let it speak.”
❑ “I am an empathetic listener and a clear communicator.”
❑ “When I speak, my contributions are honest but balanced.”
❑ “I can find the right words in all situations.”
❑ “Others hear my voice.”
❑ “I speak my true thoughts with ease.”
❑ “Let go of doubt about the word I ‘should’ have said.”
❑ “I am always understood by others.”
• Dark chocolate: If you like dark chocolate, feel free to have as much
as you want when you’re trying to open the third eye! It is said to
help enhance mental clarity and boost concentration. It is a great
source of magnesium, which destresses you. As a bonus, it promotes
the release of serotonin, putting you in a more positive mood.
• Anything purple: Given that purple is the third eye’s color, all purple
foods promote its balance. Some of the best examples include
eggplant, purple cabbage, red grapes, blueberries, and blackberries.
• Omega-3: Foods that are rich in omega-3 can enhance cognitive
function and thereby help to keep your third eye chakra open. Good
choices include walnuts, salmon, chia seeds and sardines.
❑ “I follow the lead of my inner teacher.”
❑ “I know how to make the right decisions, and I do so with ease.”
❑ “I hear my intuitions and I know they will lead me to my purpose.”
❑ “I am on my true path.”
❑ “I live every day in accordance with my life’s purpose.”
❑ “I trust the guidance that my third eye gives me.”
❑ “I have unlimited possibilities available to me.”
❑ “I am an intuitive person, and I know what is right for me.”
❑ “It is safe and good to follow the guidance of my third eye.”
❑ “My third eye is open and ready to see my purpose.”
• Violet foods: Eggplant and red grapes are good
examples, as they’re in tune with the main color of the
crown chakra. Passionfruit is another excellent option.
• Ginger: This spice is said to have cleansing benefits, and
it can help to promote spiritual clarity.
• Herbal teas: On a similar theme of clarity, herbal teas
can reduce blockages in the crown chakra. Peppermint is
probably the best option, and it has the added bonus of
promoting health in your digestive system.
❑ “I am constantly connected to my highest self.”
❑ “We are all on this earth to make a difference.”
❑ “I am attuned to the divine energy of the universe.”
❑ “I know my own spiritual truth and I live in accordance with it.”
❑ “Today I am open to divine guidance.”
❑ “I see the beauty in the world and I embrace it.”
❑ “Lovingly, I emit light that attracts others who will bring love into my life.”
❑ “I am love, I am light, and I am joy.”
❑ “I am at one with the world around me.”
❑ “Right now, I am confident, happy and sure of my worth.”

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