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s I'm Akash and this is your news of the

week for the week of February 19th to

February 25th 2023 so let's take a look

at our first story of the week and this

is some big news on February 20th 2023

President Biden made an unexpected visit

to Ukraine as the Russian invasion of

Ukraine reaches one year old this is the

first time an American president has

visited a war zone not under U.S control

that's right this is history in the

making President Biden took a flight to

Poland in the early morning of February

19th before traveling by train to Kiev

Biden then met with Ukrainian President

Vladimir zielinski and discussed

America's involvement in the war this

meeting also comes at an important time

as it is the day that ukrainians

remember the protesters who died in the

2014 Revolution that overthrew the

pro-russian government of Ukraine at

that time

so this as you can tell is big news and

things change even more as the day after

Biden visited Ukraine Russia pulled out

of new start the last major nuclear

treaty between the U.S and Russia and

Biden condemned this act as he returned

to Poland so as you can see things are

not going well and as this Invasion has

just reached one year the day after

President Biden left Ukraine I truly

hope that this war will come to a

peaceful end for the citizens of Ukraine

so let's take a look at our next story

of the week the latest winter storm

pummeling America right now has led to

the cancellation of over 3 000 flights

from Minnesota and the northern Midwest

all the way to California and the West

Coast this winter storm has left 900 000

people without power in the debts of at

least three people in Minnesota snow

reached as high as 13.5 inches that's 34

centimeters and in Wisconsin hundreds of

flights were canceled at Milwaukee

international airport alone

there were over 811

000 power outages in the states of

Michigan and one firefighter died while

attempting to handle power lines in

freezing conditions the National Weather

Service issued wind chill warnings

throughout the Midwest for temperatures

as low as negative 20 degrees Fahrenheit

that's negative 29 degrees Celsius it is

very very low temperatures Portland and

Oregon Saw its second heaviest snow day

in history causing massive traffic jams

in the deaths of two people Southern

California faced a blizzard warning

which is very rare as traditionally this

region is very warm year round and it's

even affected other parts of the country

including here in Texas where

temperatures have actually dropped

normally apparently they'd be around

like 60 70 80 but recently they've been

being like 40 and 50 and this is

partially because of the effects of that

winter storm so although this storm

dissipated on February 24th its effects

are still ongoing and highly dangerous

so if you are in the northern Midwest or

on the west coast of the US starting

from Indiana and Iowa all the way until

California and Nevada I highly recommend

you should stay home and be safe and

that is my message to you so let's take

a look at our final story of the week

North Korea continues its nuclear

missile tests as its government

announced on February 18th that it

successfully tested yet another

intercontinental ballistic missile

airing the footage of the launch on

their state television channel now the

huason 15 missal landed in Japanese

Waters after traveling for over an hour

the North Korean government claims that

this is proof that North Korea can

successfully counter the U.S South Korea

Japan and other countries that North

Korea considers as enemies but there's

also another Factor that's coming into

play because the U.S and South Korea

have already announced plans for joint

military exercises starting next month

to strengthen the South Korean military

and counter North Korean aggression and

that means that this missile test can be

seen as not just an attempt to confirm

the missile is working yes that is

actually what the North Korean

government said but more importantly as

an attempt to fend off these joint

military exercises between the U.S and

South Korea from happening and obviously

this is not going to do much U.S and

South Korea are still going to go for

their military exercises because in the

end it is beneficial to South Korea to

fend off any attack North Korea may

impose on them in the future and that's

why this event is so important so that

is all of your news of the week for the

week of February 19th to February 25th

2023 thank you all so much for watching

and I'll see you soon in another news of

the week


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