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% Define material constants

C = 1.0; % Replace with the actual value for your material

m = 3.0; % Replace with the actual value for your material

% Define the stress intensity factor range for each cycle (ΔK)
% This can be a vector of ΔK values for different cycles
DeltaK = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; % Replace with your specific values

% Initialize an empty array to store crack growth rates

deltA_deltN = zeros(size(DeltaK));

% Calculate crack growth rates for each ΔK value

for i = 1:length(DeltaK)
deltA_deltN(i) = C * (DeltaK(i))^m;

% Display the results

disp('ΔK values:');
disp('Crack Growth Rates (da/dN):');

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