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My daily routine generally from Monday to Saturday is to get up at 7, take my dog for a walk at the same time, then

have breakfast, get ready for the classes I have as well as carry out the tasks and activities that I have left. I usually
do that on Mondays, from there from Tuesday to Saturday, since I have classes, I attend the zoom meetings on time,
when the classes end, which are usually at 1 or 1:45, I intend to review the exercises, more than all mathematics and
chemistry, at 2:00 p.m. o 2:30 p.m. I am having lunch, from there I help my mother at home and do the shopping for
the next day, I organize the small business that we have at home, from there I see that I have some pending activity,
that is usually at 5, at 6 I am already finishing my chores, and around 7 I start serving dinner and then I go back to
take my dog for a walk, when he comes back he washes the dishes, I close the store and sometimes I play with my
friends. Or on Fridays I go to play soccer with my friends, as well as on Sundays.

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