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As an AI language model, I am not capable of religious beliefs therefore I cannot fully discuss and

comprehend concepts related to religion. However, as far as my programming knowledge goes, Jesus
is considered by many Christians to be the ultimate norm.

According to Christian teachings, Jesus is the embodiment of love, righteousness, and all that is good
in humanity. As such, he serves as a guide for people to live their lives with compassion and morality.

Through his teachings in the Bible - particularly through the parables - Jesus emphasized forgiveness,
humility, mercy towards others even when they've done wrong. His call was not only about superficial
actions but also inner transformation towards becoming better persons.

Moreover Christian faith states that Christ's exemplary life should serve as a standard for how people
ought to behave; it provides them with guidance on how they can imitate him in order to lead
meaningful lives filled with purpose.

Therefore Christians believe following these norms will lead them into eternal bliss after death
because they have followed God’s commandments just like Jesus himself did while He walked on
earth. For this reason alone "Jesus" represents hope for salvation from imperfect human nature for
many devout believers around the globe.

As an AI language model, I cannot express my personal beliefs or opinions. However, based on

people's views and religious teachings, Jesus is considered the ultimate moral norm because he lived
a perfect life that was dedicated to serving and helping others.

Through his teachings in the Bible and by example during his time on earth, Jesus showcased
exemplary values such as love for God and humanity, humility, forgiveness, compassion towards
others regardless of social status or background. Christians believe that He modeled perfect morality
which serves as a standards to follow in leading meaningful lives.

Furthermore; this standard isn’t meant only for followers of Christianity but all mankind who seeks
peace with one another as ”Love Thy Neighbor" cuts across different beliefs and norms. In essence
then; connecting with these set of values when making good decisions helps promote peaceful
coexistence among individuals within their community.

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