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Kenya Williams

ENC 1102

12 November 2023

Rhetorical Analysis: How Artificial Intelligence is Helping Tackle Environmental Challenges

Artificial intelligence has made many strides in recent years; it has become a heading

technological front for many industries and professions leading to changes in the work field.

These changes that have occurred allow for results to be found more efficiently, information to

be analyzed critically, datasets, and more. Within my prospective field of environmental

engineering AI has performed these actions and more. It is important to look at AI through a

transparent lens while acknowledging there will be questions. A current research question is how

generative AI can aid in creating predictive models for climate change and its environmental

impact. A source to aid in potentially answering this question is “How artificial intelligence is

helping tackle environmental challenges” published by the United Nations (UN). This article

defines AI and how it can be used in the face of environmental concerns using a proposed model

and different environmental footprints that have influenced these ideas. AI is viewed as a crucial

element in the future and present of compiling complex environmental data. Knowing how

extensive global emissions are, the platform World Environment Situation Room (WESR), an AI

system is introduced because of its ability to analyze, visualize, and curate data to offer future

predictions and insight into the future of the climate. With these themes throughout the passage,
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it offers the opinion that this is how we should face environmental issues and which model can

be used to target the current environmental crisis.

This article was published on November 7, 2022, under the News, Stories, & Speeches on

the UN’s environmental programme website. Although published directly by the UN, David

Jensen, a coordinator of the United Nations Environment Programs Digital Transformation sub-

programme is referenced to further the urgency of the message. The UN labels itself as a

“leading global authority on the environment ” whose mission is to “...inspire, inform, enable

nations, and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future

generations “How artificial intelligence”. While they work hand in hand with various

governments across the globe, this platform allows for various scientific studies, environmental

information, public advocacy within the climate, and more. Being a part of the Secretariat and a

responding body under the United Nations allows sustainable goals and environmental concerns

to be shared with 193 member states. While sponsored by a reputable agency, bias may be seen

considering that WESR is being used and pushed within the claim briefly as a potential global


The text reminds the reader of how imminent the climate crisis is and how there are

efforts being made to solve it instead of dismissing it. The technological advancements in the

text can accelerate the use of sustainable practices and spread awareness with real-life systems.

Considering that climate change and what we can do to minimize and curb its effects are highly

debated, this article uses discourse to continue the conversation. Climate change has been an

ongoing issue for decades, and while researched across the spectrum, the severity of it is often

minimized in the eyes of the public. Efforts like recycling, sustainable shopping, reducing waste,

etc. may exist for the public to reduce their carbon footprint and therefore playing a role in
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climate change. With that there needs to be more done than on an individual level with extensive

climate change. The current discourse offers several points to the conversation of where AI can

have a strong impact. AI can pull all different resources, and this article uses AI and

intertextuality to show how much can be changed. The rhetorical framework is structured using

contrast and problem-solutions methods. The text uses contrast to compare traditional data

analysis methods and decision-making with AI. A big quality of AI is the surplus of information

it has access to at a very basic level. If it had access to these prior web sources, current

worldwide data, and real-time analysis, its capabilities would be almost difficult to fathom. The

article introduces multiple examples of how systems are currently used and how traditional

methods cannot perform, adapt, and enhance the same way AI systems can or have the potential

to. In addition, having access to this data AI can provide data management, bridging the gap

between the availability of information and how it is applied. With the use of contrast, the

problem-solution framework provides the audience with a clear idea of the aim of the passage.

The problem lies within the “triple planetary crisis, (UNEP)” which explains the dire need for

action to minimize and solve the environmental issue. The proposed solution is AI which can

manage this crisis through data access, analyzing, and resources for effective action. Below is an

outline of the text’s argument.

The following outlines the argument. The article claims that there is a dire need to

influence climate change and how AI can be used to optimize possible solutions. To support why

this claim is made, the article begins by saying “...the world faces a triple planetary crisis of

climate change, nature, and biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste” (“How Artificial

Intelligence”). Supporting evidence to this claim in the article uses both logos and ethos. To

persuade the reader why there needs to be action taken in regard to climate change the previous
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statement proves the urgency of the matter along with the sub-headings, “Monitoring methane

emissions”, "Tracking air quality”, and “Measuring environmental footprints” (“How artificial

intelligence”). Using numerical values like “triple” can aid the reader in putting to value the

extent of the current damage value. The sub-headings also have the same effects by allowing the

reader to see different sectors that are currently being affected with environmental phrases they

are likely familiar with. Additionally, the sub-headings demonstrate various applications of the

use of AI in the face of environmental challenges. For instance, under the sub-heading,

Monitoring methane emissions, the UN gives a real-world example of how AI is currently being

used to revolutionize “monitoring and mitigating methane emissions. (UNEP)” Jensen says this

technology establishes, “a global record of empirically verified methane emissions at an

unprecedented level of accuracy and granularity...reducing the energy sector’s methane

emissions is one of the quickest, more feasible, and cost-effective ways to limit the impacts of

climate warming. (UNEP)” Above is an example of logos being used to support and back the

claim. The use of inductive reasoning allows the reader the ability to come to their own

conclusions about why the topic is crucial and how AI can be transformative. This theme of

using inductive reasoning can be seen throughout each subheading within the text. The warrant

to this claim is the necessity for a reliable source to provide information on the planetary crisis,

anthropogenic emissions, and potential solutions.

The information provided in the text, being relatively new to the public and generally

within the scientific community, has not allowed for a surplus of ideas in comparison to other

topics. The climate crisis is not new on both sides of the conversation, but AI is. Artificial

Intelligence has not been around for an extensive period and with that many are hesitant to use

and trust it. Most are averse to change, especially when prior forms of new technology have been
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known to harm the environment. Although UNEP shares context within AI and the

environmental crisis with the member states many constraints such as cultural factors, ethics,

policy, data ability, and cost can curb the use of AI on a large scale. The article does not

reference these conversations directly but gives the reader background to what AI is and why it

has been used and should be used in the future. While remaining strong in this argument, it also

references a rebuttal to how AI can also cause environmental harm via e-waste. This rebuttal

strengthens the argument in the text by giving the reader the idea that it was seen from several

sides of the conversation. On this side of the conversation although minimal to other emissions is

valid. While recognizing its validity the article offers readers ways that this waste can be

minimized by consumers; the use of AI can help minimize climate change through its analysis it

will not eliminate it.

The article emphasizes the critical role that AI has played and will continue to play in the

future. Not only is the crisis recognized by the article, but it also offers ways for the problem to

be solved. The incorporation of UNEP’s WESR has the capability to offer real-time analysis and

future predictions of various factors. In this, the environmental programme views it as a potential

“mission control center” that can aid in the subheadings within the article. What this signifies is

that we have a tangible means to address these environmental crises. AI is not a faraway idea and

has many applications that make it applicable in the modern world. This article can be referenced

as evidence of how it allows nations around the globe to take steps towards climate stability.

There is a way for us as consumers to reduce our carbon footprint and for AI to bring us closer to

climate stability. In the forthcoming research project, these concluding ideas can be used to

reinforce my first perspective: Benefits of AI When Used for Predictability. This source is a real-
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life example of a predictive system in action, providing the audience with how AI has the

capabilities to navigate environmental challenges and take steps toward sustainability.

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“How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Tackle Environmental Challenges.” UNEP, 2 Nov. 2022,


ChatGPT used in the conclusion and outline of the text.

Professor statement in change of title referencing perspective

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