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TOPIC: Is Technology a Burden or an Asset to Modern





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Gadgets, technologies that were developed later, and the application of logical knowledge for
practical reasons are all examples of what we mean when we talk about technology. We are
currently living through a period of rapid transition, in which the progression of mechanical
technology is transforming our way of life while also bringing us closer to the brink of
extinction than either shifting environmental conditions or a lack of available resources. Even
before history began to keep account of things, during all of his time on Earth, man has
adjusted the demands he places on his natural surroundings. It is astonishing how well
humans can adjust to changing environments and make use of whatever resources are at their
disposal. The natural resources of the world, which are essential to the survival of humans,
have, nevertheless, been mismanaged and exploited over the course of human history. As a
result of this, we are in a precarious situation that need enhanced environmental management
in order to produce environmentally responsible and sustainable development.

A particular area of interest is technology, which can be defined as the application of

processes and instruments that have been created by humans in order to transform raw
materials into something that can be used. Other significant influences include the economy,
which determines how wealth is created and distributed, as well as patterns of production and
consumption and environmental regulations, which outline obligations regarding the use of
resources and the preservation of environmental quality. Other significant influences include:
Technology is frequently held responsible for environmental problems such as the depletion
of resources, the accumulation of rubbish in landfills, and pollution. Nevertheless, technology
has the potential to play a big role in the resolution of this problem.

The Industrial Revolution has been a driving force in the astonishing advancement of society.
In both Europe and the United States, new forms of assembly began to emerge about the year
1760 and continued to evolve until 1840. Its success can be attributed to the acceleration of
industrialization and to other types of innovation in the industrialised nations located all over
the world.

Concern over the deterioration of the environment is increasing along with the progression of
industrialization, particularly in industrialised nations. The effects of industrialisation and the
growth of technology continue to be detrimental to the environment. Even though the
negative effects of technology are more obvious, the advantages for industry that result from
the adoption of technology in the primary activities indirectly raise living standards. This is
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because the advantages for industry that result from the adoption of technology in the primary
activities. This is evidenced by the rise in the frequency of international discussions and
consultations at meetings and conferences. The damage to the natural world that is a direct
result of technological advancement was the principal topic of this conversation.

The three biggest harmful effects of technology on the environment are as follows. First off,
technology is a factor that contributes to the environmental degradation that results from the
generation of trash. The second consequence of technological growth is its contributions to
global warming. Finally, technology is to blame for the current ecological imbalances and the
loss of natural resources.

The development of new environmental technologies intended to help solve some of the
major environmental problems that we face as a society by moving towards more sustainable
issues has been prompted by the recent increase in global awareness of climate change in
addition to the negative effects of technology on the environment. Environment. reduced
carbon economy

The development of new technologies with the aim of safeguarding, controlling, or limiting
the negative impacts of technology on the environment and resource consumption is known
as environmental technology, also referred to as "green" or "clean" technology.


For this research work, the researcher has used secondary data. Data have been used from
different sources. Doctrinal research was also done by the author for secondary research, the
researcher read various research papers, books, articles, journals and blogs in order to gather
information from these papers and articles.


The topic for research was taken because as we know that technology is growing very rapidly
day by day. So the impact of rapidly growing technology can be seen in every sector of life
and environment has no exception. Technology has caused many environmental and social
problems, but it is also key to addressing environmental degradation, climate change, food
scarcity, waste management, and other pressing global challenges. Instead, new technologies
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have led to more sustainable methodologies, better stewardship of our natural resources, and
conversion to solar and renewable energy sources.


Research in any field would be incomplete without first doing a thorough literature review.
This is useful since it allows researchers to gather up-to-date data about previous studies in
their chosen field. It is also beneficial to take into account the problem's many facets. This
provides an overview of the methods, activities, and other parameters gathered by others,
which can be used to enhance the intelligence structure. It is essential for defining an issue,
assessing its severity, recommending information-gathering devices, and selecting research
strategies and information sources.

1. Eren, Halit. (2002). Impact of Technology on Environment. Encyclopaedia of

Electrical Engineering, 24 Volume Set Edition: 1st Chapter: Article 7703

Halit Eren has highlighted technology is as a key factor that has direct and indirect
effects on the environment, bringing attention to this important subject. This book
provides information that is not only concise but also exhaustive on the environmental
effects that technology has had throughout the course of human history. Following an
examination of the Sixth Assessment Report produced by the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, it was discovered that the effects of climate change are
intensifying at a rate that is outstripping the capacity of both nature and humans to
adapt to the changes. "It would appear that human contact with the environment is
always opportunistic in favour of human beings." This book explains the origins of
the issues and, more significantly, how people may unite together to find and
implement solutions. Technology advancements in instrumentation, measurement,
and the information sciences have greatly improved our ability to detect and
comprehend subtle changes in the natural world.

2. Bisong, Peter & Apologun, Sylvester. (2020). Technology Can Save the
Environment. International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social
Science. 3. 11-19. 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0301.108.
Peter & Sylvester claimed that one of the main drivers of degradation of environment
is believed to be technology. His writing acknowledges that technology contributes to
environmental issues but rejects the view that it is a curse. In and of itself, technology
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has no moral value; its use is what has moral implications. They also describe about
the negative and positive effects of technology. They attempt to demonstrate that the
incorrect placement of technology in the past causes environmental issues. In the
future, it could be repositioned to promote environmental health. When correctly
directed, technology has the potential to restore and heal what it has damaged.

3. Siletile, Bernize. (2022). SOCIOLOGY OF TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY: the

impact of Technology on Society. 10.13140/RG.2.2.16920.67843.
Bernize Siletile in the paper examines the theoretical fo undations of cultural
materialism and technical determinism and contrasts them. This paper examines three
facets, namely technical determinism, cultural materialism, and critical theory of
technology, in order to argue for the possibility of a synthesis of these three

4. Sasvari, Peter. (2012). The Effects of Technology and Innovation on Society.

Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technology. 5. 1-10.
In this paper Peter claim that there is not a single paradigm that is widely utilised that
has successfully synthesised all of the different schools of thought and theories that
deal with technology and society. Understanding how technology and information are
used in our society is a crucial sociological topic, as evidenced by the theories of the
knowledge economy, postindustrial society, postmodern society, information society,
network society, information capitalism, network capitalism, etc. The shape of society
and the function of technology and information are two facets that fall under the
umbrella of the notion of the information society.

5. Baghla, Ashish. (2018). A study of the Impact of Technology on the Society.

Ignited Mind Journals Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied
Ashish in this paper try to uncover the positive and bad effects of modern technology
on society and analyses the various outcomes that have changed people's behaviour in
the workplace and on the Internet. Author also try to explore the methods for
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improving and sustainably using technology. Also the causes for why modern
technologies have become such an integral part of our life.

6. Mohammad Bani Younes, Samer Al-Zoubi The Impact of Technologies on

Society: A review, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
Volume 20, Issue 2, Ver. V (Feb. 2015)
They examine how members of society are affected by improper use of contemporary
technologies, including how these effects affect the economic, religious, and social
spheres, how they affect how people behave, and how society as a whole is responsible
for keeping an eye on young people who need everyone's attention by providing them
with appropriate educational opportunities. Additionally, this research demonstrates
the necessity of combining all efforts in order to safeguard the entire society from the
hazards of contemporary technologies and cooperate to effectively utilise its resources.
There’s research emphasizes the fact that everyone should take his/her responsibilities
towards using these methods properly whether at home or outside.

7. Kumar, Anshika. Impact of Technology on Youth
This article explains how technology and excessive exploitation of technology
exploiting the youths. Also explains the dependency of youth on the technology. Also
tries to explain to maintain a healthy relationship between human and technology.

8. Spacey. (2017, March 05). 20 Types Of Technology. Simplicable. Retrieved from:
In this article John explains about different types of technology needed by the humans
in their daily course.

9. Mendie, Patrick & Eyo, Emmanuel. (2016). ENVIRONMENTAL

This paper tries to lay the groundwork for a new philosophical and environmental
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paradigm based on the thesis that value (axiology) is a crucial component in

developing a more long-term partnership with nature for the sake of preserving the
ecosystem in pursuit of a sustainable agricultural goal in the twenty-first century. They
argue that axiology, a branch of philosophy heavily reliant on the concept of value, can
play a role in reinforcing and reintegrating our values system in order to create a safer,
friendlier, and more environmentally secure world. They express this using
philosophical tools of analysis and assessment since philosophy is a powerful force in
encouraging cooperative behaviour.

10. Adger, W. & Brown, Katrina. (1995). Land Use and the Causes of Global
Warming. Geographical Review. 10.2307/3060262.
Their paper gives an overview (Land use and global environmental change: a social
science perspective) Global warming is largely due to human activity on the land.
Measuring the release of CO2 and other greenhouse gases from land animals and
plants. Functioning of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle. Greenhouse gas
exchange in soils, peatlands, and wetlands. - A look at the reasons of tropical
deforestation and how that relates to current policy. Methane emission control policies
in the agricultural sector. Emissions mitigation through forestry is a possibility.
Regarding global policy. Alternatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through
land use: opportunities and limitations

11. Environmental Technology | Impact of technology on the environment. Edinburgh

Sensors. (2022). Retrieved 20 September 2022, from
n this article author tries to explain about different types of impact of technology.
Also explained about internet of things and its impact. Author discuss about
development of Environmental Technologies and impact of technology on

12. Attrish, A., Banga, S., & Singh, S. Role of Technology in Environmental
Disorders [Ebook] Retrieved 15 September 2022,
Authors explain about different components of environment and technology. Their
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paper also tries to elaborate the problems affecting humanity as well as environmental
effects of technology. They explain about how technology is affecting environment
also positives of technology with an Indian Scenario. Also introduced different
technological inventions by India.

Technology is manmade hardware and knowledge used to produce objects to enhance human
capabilities for performing tasks they could not otherwise perform. The objects are invented,
designed, manufactured, and consumed. This requires a large system with inputs such as
labour, energy, raw materials, and skills. Environment concerns all individuals and living
things, since it is a common, a commodity possessed by all. As this article deals on the effect
of technology on the environment, it is important to understand its meaning fully. Among
many other definitions, here, the environment is defined as the conditions under which an
individual or thing exists, lives, or develops. In the case of humans, environment embraces
the whole physical world, and as well as social and cultural conditions. Eren, Halit. (2002).

The industrial revolution resulted in the development of new technologies that pack a
significant punch. During this time frame, about 1760 to 1840, there was a transition to new
industrial processes that took place in both Europe and the United States. The most
significant ways in which these technologies have harmed our globe are the production of
pollution and the exhaustion of natural resources. Bisong, Peter & Apologun, Sylvester.

Technology has contributed to better resource utilisation, education and learning for students,
increased quality in agricultural production, resulted in products that are affordable for all,
helped to contribute to an increase in the standard of living, and helped to contribute to
improved marketing opportunities for small businesses. Baghla, Ashish. (2018)

Regarding the situation in India, pollution is a key cause of climate change, and there is
growing worry there. The nation has the highest rate of disease in the world due to air
pollution. Since 100% of the population is thought to reside in densely populated areas,
pollution particles less than 2.5 cm in diameter exceed WHO standards. We won't be able to
move these special technology resources toward a better future until we acknowledge the
fundamental social changes that are required and incorporate our communities into the
determination of a road forward. Attrish, A., Banga, S., & Singh, S.
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They will review country commitments every five years; provide financing to developing
countries to mitigate climate change, strengthen resilience, and enhance their abilities to
adapt to climate impacts; and work to limit the global temperature increase this century to 2
degrees Celsius, while pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. UN


 To study how advancement in technology impact the environment in

negative and positive way.
 To analyse the use of technology in India and its effects.


For this research work, the researcher has used secondary data. Data have been used from
different sources. Doctrinal research was also done by the author for secondary research, the
researcher read various research papers, books, articles, journals, blogs and videos.


The author is of the view that technology has more positive impact rather than negative
impacts on environment. Moreover, the rising use of technology will hamper environment
more in coming future.

The limitation of the sources used is that it includes pre - existing data and no fresh data is
collected by the researcher as is the case in primary sources. In primary sources the data is
collected by doing surveys which is not the case in secondary sources of data.
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Impact of technology in negative way

There is hardly a day that goes by without important news regarding climate change and the
harm we cause to the earth. The changes that are occurring on our world are embodied by
rising global temperatures, melting Arctic sea ice, plastic pollution in the water, a rapid rise in
atmospheric carbon dioxide, and the extinction of numerous species. Modern efforts to
dominate and control nature have damaged our sense of sacredness. We've covered a few of
the detrimental effects of technology on the environment below.1
Natural resource depletion- it is another detrimental effect of technology on the environment,
as is resource consumption. When a resource is used up more quickly than it can be refilled,
this phrase is used. Natural resources can either be renewable or non-renewable because they
were not generated by people. There are various forms of resource shortage, with the aquifer
being the most severe. Depletion, deforestation, mineral and fossil fuel depletion, resource
contamination, soil erosion, and unsustainable resource consumption. These are mostly
caused by technology advancements, which have made it possible for industries like
agriculture, mining, water use, and the use of fossil fuels.
Natural resource degradation is escalating together with the world population growth. As a
result, it is projected that the ecological footprint of the entire planet is 1.5 times more than
the capacity of the planet to sustainably meet everyone's resource needs. Since the industrial
revolution, large-scale mineral and petroleum exploration has intensified, leading to a
growing natural shortage of oil and minerals. The production of numerous resources has
decreased as a result of mining being simpler and individuals digging deeper for more access
along with technological, developmental, and research advancements.
Affecting water quality - Gaseous emissions from industry and vehicle emissions, particularly
nitrogen oxides, have a negative impact on water quality. It is well recognised that nitrogen
deposits in water work as fertiliser, encouraging the growth of algae in rivers, streams, lakes,
estuaries, and seas. These algae are known to produce eutrophic conditions that obstruct
commercial fishing and usually destroy submerged aquatic vegetation. The agricultural
runoff of fertiliser, herbicides, and animal wastes is more detrimental to the quality of the

Eren, Halit. (2002). Impact of Technology on Environment.
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water. These enter streams and rivers by runoff, contaminating them and rendering them unfit
for aquatic life.2
Increases Pollution - It is thought that technology has raised the amount and rate of
environmental pollution. Humans currently travel more than ever because to technology
advancements, most of which are unneeded. This rise in travel, made possible by technology,
directly adds to air pollution. One can quickly move from one region of the world to another
thanks to current technologies. Although this is fantastic, there is a higher risk to human life
and the environment. The amount of pollution produced by these trips is significant. It
manifests as various forms of noise, water, and air pollution.
Health risks are posed by the pollutants. An estimated 4.5 trillion litres (1.2 trillion gallons)
of contaminated water seep into the earth each day in the United States alone. Septic tanks,
cesspools, municipal and commercial landfills, as well as agricultural chemicals and trash,
are the sources of this. The estimated 1.5 million Americans who contract diseases brought
on by faecal pollution each year cost the country billions of dollars. Additionally, 6 million
metric tonnes of plastic bottles, packaging materials, and other pollutants are discharged from
ships into the oceans every year, choking sea creatures, fish, and seabirds. According to
oceanographers, between 3 and 6 million metric tonnes of oil are intentionally dumped into
the ocean each year as well as through fuel leaks, oil tanker accidents, and other causes.
Additional instances of water pollution include:
1. Organic compounds, such as those found in goods utilised in homes, businesses, and
agriculture Plastics, detergents, oil, fuel, pesticides, and other items are examples.
2. Organic chemicals that come from surface runoff, home cleaners, industrial effluents, etc.
Acids, caustic substances, salts, metals, and other pollutants fall under this group.
3. Mining for ores, making weapons, manufacturing weapons, etc. all produce radioactive
4. Thermal modifications, such as heat from power plants and industrial cooling.
Increases waste - Although the origins of waste vary from country to country, they are all
generally more or less directly or indirectly related to technology. For instance, drilling
activities—a technologically advanced process—are the largest source of trash in Nigeria.
The primary sources in the UK include mining and quarrying, building construction and
demolition, industry, and commerce. Modernization of technology is one of the primary
sources of waste in industrialised nations. Through changes in technology, a lot of harmful
waste is produced on a regular basis. For instance, the transition from desktop to laptop
computers has rendered the older models obsolete and have turned them into waste. Due to
their portability and small size, people now prefer using laptops and tablets instead of desktop
computers, which makes them outdated and a waste of resources. As a result, huge desktop
computers have to be disposed of into the environment due to technical advancements in
laptops. The same is valid for tungsten bulbs, which were changed out for fluorescent bulbs

(Bisong & Apologun, 2020)
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and are now incandescent. These discarded items—the majority of which are non-
biodegradable garbage—enter the ecosystem as waste products. Waste materials contaminate
the soil, making it unsuitable for plant and animal life.
Increases Power Consumption – Technology has led to increased power consumption. In
schools, workplaces, residences, and other locations, technology (such as phones, televisions,
radios, etc.) is used. Electricity, which is used to power this technology, is produced largely
from fossil or nuclear fuels. Nuclear and fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. This means
that the high usage of technology equates to a high depletion of the world's energy (fossil and
nuclear power), suggesting that the world's energy supply will soon be insufficient to meet
human needs for electricity.
Deforestation- it is increasing since there are less trees in the planet. This is made feasible by
the advancement of technology for larger-capacity machinery. Contrary to earlier times,
modern humans can quickly clear vegetation and dig through hills and mountains with little
effort thanks to technology. A rise in technology has made it possible to construct many
homes quickly. Despite the fact that this seems to be delightful for humans, it has caused the
extinction of many species.3
Increases Radiation - It's normal to see individuals using their mobile phones and tablets in
homes, parks, offices, and even on the roads. The excessive use of smartphones and the apps
they include increases WiFi and internet connectivity, which inevitably results in a rise in
radiation and the health issues that go along with it. Because of the radiation from these
WiFi-enabled regions, scientists think that some bird species go extinct.

Technology that can help in saving the environment

Despite the negative environmental effects of technology, the most recent rise in global concern over
climate change has sparked the creation of new environmental technologies, which we strive
to address in order to address some of the most pressing environmental issues. Technology
that tries to safeguard, monitor, or lessen the negative effects of technology on the
environment and resource consumption is referred to as environmental technology,
sometimes known as "green" or "clean" technology. This section will concentrate on how
technology has positively impacted the environment, leading to the creation of green
technologies including carbon dioxide abatement, electric vehicles, and renewable energy.
Birth control technology- Environmental deterioration is said to be caused by a number of
fundamental elements, one of which is the human population. Currently, as the human
population grows, so does the effect that humans have on the environment. As a result,
environmentalists have called for a decrease in the number of people. To do this, scientists
have created a number of birth control methods. Birth control helps to reduce both the
population of a country and the size of a family. Birth control encourages economic growth

Mohammad Bani Younes, Samer Al-Zoubi Feb. 2015
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by reducing the number of dependent children born, allowing more women to work, and
reducing resource consumption, which is the main driver of environmental degradation.
IUDs for tubal ligation, implantable contraceptives, oral pills, patches, vaginal rings,
injections, and male vasectomy sterilisation are some of the birth control options. Other ones
include spermicides, contraceptive sponges and diaphragms, and barriers like condoms.
Smart technology or "smart home technology," – it makes use of sensors and other Internet of
Things (IoT)-connected equipment that can be remotely monitored and configured to fit the
demands of productive users and users can respond. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network
of Internet-connected things with embedded sensor technology that can gather and exchange
data. This enables data network devices to take independent actions depending on current
information. For instance, intelligent lighting only illuminates spaces that are heated to a
comfortable level, and a smart thermostat may maintain a given temperature in a home at
specific times of the day to cut down on waste.
Due to the growing prevalence of WiFi, Bluetooth, and smart sensors in environmental
technology buildings and cities, this is made possible by the Internet's connectivity. The
concept of "efficient cities to smart cities" will be realised in the future cities, according to
experts, when every automobile, phone, air conditioner, light, and other device would be
The Internet's use of technology to construct virtual laboratories throughout the world and
raise awareness of global issues is another example of how technology has a positive impact
on the environment. Remote collaboration amongst experts in many domains can lead to the
development of superior solutions. Additionally, travel is eliminated because friends and
family may communicate and meet virtually, which minimises pollution from road
Electric Vehicles- the vechile powered by electricity One or more electric motors that use the
energy from rechargeable batteries to power Environmental Technology. Due to
environmental issues including pollution and the aim to minimise greenhouse gases, the
production of electric vehicles has risen since 2008. Because they don't emit carbon
emissions, which are a contributing factor in the "greenhouse effect" and lead to global
warming, electric vehicles demonstrate a beneficial technological impact on the environment.
Additionally, they don't add to air pollution, making them clean and less damaging to the
health of people, animals, plants, and water. To support the introduction and acceptance of
electric vehicles.4
"Direct Air Capture" (DAC),- it a green technology to remove carbon from the atmosphere,
governments have recently encouraged plug-in cars, tax credits, and subsidies. The idea of
directly removing carbon dioxide from the environment has been the subject of years of
research to lessen climate change, even though it has only recently been applied and is still
being developed. This technique will be discussed in more detail below. this Direct air
capture (DAC), a method used in environmental technology, involves taking carbon dioxide

(Baghla, 2018)
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directly from the atmosphere and creating a dense stream of CO2 for use or sequencing.
Several sizable fans then force the air through the filter to remove the CO2. This method may
be used to control emissions from dispersed sources, such as those produced by moving
vehicles. Applications of full-scale DAC may take in the equivalent amount of carbon from
250,000 average annual emissions.
Waste minimization- This the process of lowering the volume or amount of waste that an
individual or a society produces. It entails making deliberate efforts to cut back on the
materials and energy utilised during production. Less waste is produced for a given output
when fewer materials are used. Various procedures could be used to reduce waste from
industrial output, including:
1. Reusing scrap material - In order to reduce waste, several businesses incorporate wastes
into new products at the start of manufacturing so that they do not end up as waste.
2. Resource optimization entails consciously reducing the amount of waste that people or
organisations make by maximising the utilisation of basic materials. A tailor, for instance,
could cut a piece of fabric so that no portion is wasted.
3. Conforming to the purpose. This is a deliberate attempt to tailor things to their intended
usage. Products that don't fit their intended usage are more likely to end up in garbage.
4. Strengthening Durability A radio's usable life might be increased from 12 to 15 years,
which would reduce waste and improve resource efficiency.

Use of technology in India and its effects

Talking about the Indian scenario, pollution is a major contributor to climate change and
there is increasing concern in India. Air pollution causes the country to suffer the most illness
in the world. It is estimated that 100% of the population lives in concentrated areas, meaning
that pollution particles less than 2.5 cm in diameter are above WHO guidelines. In addition,
because India is home to more than 17% of the world's population and makes it the second
most populous country in the world, it is estimated that about 25-30 people from the rural
areas of India are cities. Go into In addition to further development and population growth,
environmental pollution is expected to increase. Technology is likely to be an important
promoter to prevent pollution not only in India, but worldwide. Areas like transportation,
power grid, construction, agriculture and land use can be improved With the help of
technology. Another implication of the technology is the lack of natural resources, as most of
the multinationals are coming to India for business, the consumption of resources is fast
because it may have to be replenished. Despite all the adverse effects of technology on the
environment, the recent increase in concerns about climate change has prompted the
development of new technology in the environment, which aims to solve some of the biggest
environmental problems5. India, among other countries, signed a Paris Agreement in 2016 to
make ambitious efforts to combat climate change by raising global temperatures below 2
percent Celsius from the pre-industrial level. But as stated, technology itself cannot change
everything, a lot depends on us and how we use it, taking into account the environmental
Attrish, A., Banga, S., & Singh, S
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aspects. Only by recognizing the basic social changes that are needed - and by including our
communities in the definition of a path forward - will we be able to move these unique
technological resources to a better future. Equipped with technology, we can definitely help
the world breathe better. This is on all of us. Resources are limited and the population is
growing. For all practical purposes, the water in the country is limited, although it can refill
over a certain period of time, it can also become scarce. The air is inexhaustible, but becomes
unusable due to a serious deterioration in its quality due to changes in its composition.
Energy in its natural form, like the sun's rays, appears to be abundant, but it is Consumer
shortage. Fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and the radioactive element are all finished. The
increasing use of resources leads to rapid depletion. The availability of these resources per
capita has decreased in India. This is mainly due to population growth and also to the loss of
basic resources / deficiencies due to human intervention.

India’s persistent air and water pollution problems create steady demand for environmental
technologies and solutions. According to a 2020 International Trade Administration
Environmental Technologies Report, India’s environmental technologies market is estimated
at over $23 billion. The report also ranked India as the sixth largest market in the world, with
subsector rankings of second for water/wastewater management, ninth for air pollution
control, and eighth for the solid waste and recycling segments. In 2021, India’s total imports
of environmental technology equipment stood at $1.197 billion, with $147 million sourced
from the United States.

India’s complex environmental regulations hinge on five major pieces of legislation: The
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 amended 1991; Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
amended 1988; Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972; the Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 amended 1988; and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1981 amended 1987.  New laws making an impact on the regulatory landscape are the E-
Waste Management Rules, 2016 and the Plastic Waste Management Amendment Rules,

In 2010, the Government of India established the National Green Tribunal to better uphold
environmental protections in the country.  The Tribunal is an increasingly integral force in
the effort to create a more sustainable national development path across industries. 

At the COP 26 in Glasgow, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced five targets to
fight climate change:  India will (1) raise its non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030;
(2) meet 50 percent of its energy requirements from renewable sources by 2030; (3) reduce
total projected carbon emissions by one billion tons from 2021 to 2030; (4) reduce the carbon
intensity of its economy by more than 45 percent by 2030; and (5) achieve the target of Net
Zero by 2070.  India is currently not on track to meet these ambitious targets.

The Indian pollution control industry consists of a large number of specialized equipment
suppliers, chemical suppliers, engineering-procurement-construction (EPC) contractors,
consultants, build-own-operate and transfer (BOOT)/build-own-operate (BOO) operators,
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analytical equipment and services companies.  The equipment market is dominated by small
and medium-sized units, manufacturing end-of-pipe treatment solutions.  Major suppliers of
high-end pollution abatement technology are from the United States, Germany, China, South
Korea, and Japan.  Most of the leading international original equipment manufacturing
companies operate in India.  

Market barriers for export of environmental technologies and services to India include:

 High tariff - particularly in area of monitoring and instrumentation

 Fragmentation of the market across region - making it difficult to find an agent or a
representative that can truly provide national coverage
 Price sensitivity in tender - lowest bidder mentality with little assessment of
cost/quality trade-offs
 Risk averse municipal government buyers, which dominate drinking water,
wastewater, waste management, and other sectors, have limited technology-
assessment and project management capacity
 Limited sophistication of local partners- many of the Indian companies are relatively
new to the sector and may not have adequate experience developing and
implementing the project.
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Technology promotes quick growth and change. However, technology is also quickly
boosting resources. This implies that raw materials are also moving quickly. Technology and
the environment are intertwined. This is both detrimental to the environment and beneficial in
some respects. Why bad? The fundamental issue with technology is that as it advances, there
is a rising need for power (more electronics), which raises the price of organic fuel.
Furthermore, it must be remembered that not all life fuel is beneficial; some are hazardous.
Why is that? IT can be utilised to lessen environmental stress. The currently being developed
"Smart Grid" is a nice illustration of this. As a result, technology today is a potent instrument
for enhancing performance in every human endeavour. It can be used to efficiently and
effectively accomplish any human endeavor's purpose. One of the many areas where
technology may make a difference is in the betterment and protection of the environment.
development. This will make it possible to use electricity more effectively, lowering demand
and making use of the resources used to produce it.

The last five years have been a hot five years, based on the records. Sea and freshwater fauna
have decreased 60% globally in just 40 years, and by 2020, that number will have decreased
by 2/3. Some of these species have only recently arrived on our planet, as opposed to
hundreds of millions of years ago. How come this is the case? It important because a remote
planet will not allow us to create a stable, prosperous, and peaceful future.

Due to the uneven development and application of technology, its effects on the environment
are not the same everywhere. This is owing to the fact that the development, adoption, and
use of technology by humans are incompatible and vary greatly from region to region and
from nation to nation depending on the economic and social conditions. other (5). Even now,
billions of people are either not included in or just have a very little portion of today's
technology. In other words, technology is a two-edged sword that has the potential to both
improve and degrade the environment.

Examples of modern environmental issues include desertification, deforestation, noise, ozone

depletion, acid rain, radioactive dangers, soil degradation, global warming, and hazardous
waste. That is a characteristic shared by all nations. These issues are made worse by the
expansion of the human population and the rise or fall in living standards brought on by the
proper or improper use of technology. The research indicates that irreversible environmental
damage can be caused on this vulnerable planet if human-environment interaction continues
and human population growth follows existing trends. However, the planet may be saved in a
sustainable fashion from potential scientific calamities by using the information gained via
science and the wise application of technology, as well as the will and positive attitudes of
P a g e | 19

people as individuals and as nations. If that weren't enough, there is evidence that people and
countries are aware of how fragile the environment is. Additionally, there are encouraging
developments in global cooperation.


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