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វិទ្យាស្ថា នបច្ចេកវិទ្យាកម្ពុជា


Subject: English
Teacher: Mr. Horm Kosal
Topic: The investigation the relationship between technology and
natural resource.
Group: Department GIM2
Name ID

2. Ngoy chansokleakhena e20211628
3. Nguon sreyda e20210983

Academic Year
I. Introduction
II. What is the definition of technology and natural resource?
III. Relationship between resource and technology
1. Nature of Technology
2. Technology helps natural
3. Discovery and extraction
4. Innovation and sustainability
5. Technology and the conservation of natural resources
V. Mind mapping
VII. Reference

Meeting the demand of humankind in natural resources is one of the fundamental

problems faced by the civilized community. Enjoying the achievements of scientific and
technological progress people do not get free from the necessity of developing natural
wealth. On the contrary, people’s dependence on natural resources is growing.

Natural resources can be divided arbitrarily into two categories: renewable (water, land,
and biological resources, etc) and non-renewable (mineral) resources. Broad-scale
development of natural resources, growing rates of the biosphere pollution with
nonrecycled production wastes, and the refuse resulting from human activities make the
problem of reasonable nature management, and conservation of global and regional
ecological equilibrium particularly pressing. Protection of the environment constituents
and natural resources is a task, which cannot be realized by any country solely. It
dictates the necessity for coordinated efforts of various countries and a common global

II. What is the definition of technology and natural resource?

Technology is the product of transferring scientific knowledge to practical use. Different
forms of technology are the result of people trying to find more efficient ways to do
things and testing new ideas. Technology is constantly improving and generally aims to
make processes easier for people. For example, the internet makes communication easier
and more efficient. While a single piece of technology often overlaps into different
areas, there are generally six different categories of technology: communication,
electrical, energy, manufacturing, medical and transportation.

Natural resources are naturally occurring materials that are useful to man or could be
useful under conceivable technological, economic or social circumstances or supplies
drawn from the earth, supplies such as food, building and clothing materials, fertilizers,
metals, water and geothermal power. For a long time, natural resources were the domain
of the natural sciences.
III. Relationship between resource and technology
1.Nature of technology

Two of every three people in the United States think "technology" as means computers
and the Internet (Rose & Dugger, 2002; Rose, Gallup, Dugger, & Starkweather, 2004).
Some people conceptualize technology somewhat more broadly to include cellphones
and other electronics. However, technology includes every way in which people
manipulate the natural environment to satisfy their needs and wants. Frozen foods, paper
cups, and clothing are examples of technology, as are dams, motorcycles, windmills,
water-treatment plants, flu shots, and grandfather clocks. Technology includes all of the
various devices and systems that people make to fulfill some function.

In addition to understanding the scope of technology, students are expected to

understand how technology evolved and why the pace of technological change is so
much faster today than in the past. For much of human history technological knowledge
was held by small groups of individuals who did not share it but rather passed it
guardedly from one generation to the next, sometimes from parent to child or master to
apprentice. Today, by contrast, know-how is disseminated much more freely through a
wide variety of educational institutions, both physically and online. Engineers and
designers improve existing technologies, invent new devices and systems, and make
technological breakthroughs that can be widely communicated in a short period of time,
resulting in changes that can revolutionize entire industries. This is part of the reason
that the rate of technological development is increasing at an unprecedented speed.

Another part of the reason can be found in today's rapid advances in science. In many
cutting-edge fields, such as bioengineering and nanotechnology, scientists and engineers
work hand-in-hand, and sometimes the roles of scientist and engineer are taken on by a
single person. An example of science pushing technology can be found in the
breakthroughs in genetics that have made possible new crops with higher yields and
greater resistance to disease. Examples of technology pushing science can be found in
the way that engineers provide more precise instruments, better collaboration tools, and
evermore powerful computers.

Tools and materials have also improved over time. From hand tools and power tools to
computer probes and simulations, tools extend human capabilities, allowing people to
see further and in greater detail, accomplish tasks more efficiently, and accomplish
things that might otherwise be impossible. At the same time, new ways are constantly
being developed to process raw materials to create products with properties unlike any
in nature—self-cleaning clothing and paint, nano-fiber clothing that sheds water and
never wrinkles, and composite materials for airplanes that are lighter and stronger than
metal alloys, to name only a few.

2. Technology helps natural

As the global population continues to grow and climate change puts pressure on natural
resources, the world needs to find new ways to bring food to the table for billions of
people. One possible solution to this challenge could be vertical farming, a revolutionary
approach to agriculture that could ensure a sustainable and healthy food supply for the

So, what exactly is vertical farming? In short, it involves growing crops in vertically
stacked layers, often indoors, in a controlled environment. This allows farmers to
optimize plant growth and efficiency by controlling factors such as temperature,
humidity, light, nutrition and irrigation. Vertical farming can be done on a small or large
scale and can be used to grow a wide range of crops, including leafy greens, herbs,
tomatoes, cucumbers, and much more.

One of the key benefits of vertical farming is its ability to conserve resources. By
growing crops indoors, vertical farmers can reduce water usage and minimize the need
for pesticides and herbicides. In addition, vertical farming allows for year-round
production and can be placed close to cities where demand for food is high. This means
food doesn’t have to travel as far to reach your table, saving on carbon emissions, and
ensuring that your food has its full nutritional value when you buy it. This results in
more nutritional food on your plate, a smaller carbon footprint and an overall more
sustainable food system. Another advantage of vertical farming is its potential to
improve health. By providing a year-round source of fresh, nutrient-rich produce,
vertical farming can help to address issues of food insecurity and malnutrition. With the
global population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, ensuring a steady supply of
nutritious food will be crucial. Vertical farming offers a way to do this while also
conserving energy and reducing the environmental impact of traditional agriculture.

So, who is leading the charge in the vertical farming revolution? One company that is
making waves in the industry is 80 Acres Farms. With five production farms in the
United States, a new farm in Florence, Kentucky, a future farm in Covington, Georgia,
and R&D facilities in Arkansas and the Netherlands, 80 Acres Farms is dedicated to
growing the next generation of food – food grown in eco-friendly indoor farms closer to

3. Discovery and extraction

The relationship between technology and natural resources is complex and multifaceted.
One aspect of this relationship is the role of technology in the discovery and extraction
of natural resources. Technological advancements have enabled us to locate and extract
natural resources from previously inaccessible areas. For instance, the development of
offshore drilling technologies has allowed us to tap into previously unexplored oil
reserves, while advancements in mining techniques have enabled us to extract minerals
from deep within the earth.
The increased access to natural resources that technology provides has also led to the
over-exploitation of these resources. This has had severe environmental consequences,
such as soil degradation, deforestation, and water and air pollution. The use of heavy
machinery and chemicals in the extraction of minerals and fossil fuels has also resulted
in the release of harmful pollutants into the environment. The extraction of natural
resources has often been associated with social issues such as the displacement of
indigenous communities and the loss of livelihoods. This has been particularly prevalent
in developing countries, where natural resources are often exploited by multinational
corporations at the expense of local communities.
It is therefore essential that the use of technology in the discovery and extraction of
natural resources is balanced with sustainable practices that take into account the
environmental and social impact of these activities. This may include the use of
renewable energy technologies to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, or the adoption of
precision agriculture techniques to reduce waste and improve yields. While technology
has played a significant role in the discovery and extraction of natural resources, it is
important to recognize the potential negative consequences of over-exploitation. It is
therefore crucial that technology is used in a way that is sustainable and takes into
account the long-term impact on the environment and society.

4. Innovation and sustainability

Innovation and sustainability are two critical aspects of the relationship between
technology and natural resources. The responsible and sustainable use of natural
resources is essential for ensuring their availability for future generations, and
technology plays a vital role in achieving this goal.
Innovation is essential for developing new technologies that enable the sustainable use
of natural resources. For example, renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind,
and hydro power have emerged as viable alternatives to non-renewable energy sources
such as coal and oil. These technologies have significantly reduced carbon emissions
and the environmental impact of energy production. Other examples of innovative
technologies that contribute to sustainability include precision agriculture, sustainable
forestry practices, and recycling and waste reduction technologies.
Sustainability is crucial for ensuring that natural resources are used in a responsible and
equitable manner. Sustainable development practices require a holistic approach that
considers the environmental, social, and economic impact of resource use. Technology
can play a significant role in enabling sustainable development by enabling more
efficient resource use and reducing waste.
One example of sustainable technology innovation is the development of smart
buildings. These buildings use technology such as sensors and automation to optimize
energy and resource use, reducing waste and lowering their environmental impact.
Another example is the use of blockchain technology to enable more transparent and
accountable supply chains, ensuring that natural resources are sourced in a responsible
and sustainable manner.

5.Technology and the conservation of natural resources

Technology has played a significant role in the conservation of natural resources by
enabling us to use these resources more efficiently and sustainably. Here are some
examples of how technology has contributed to the conservation of natural resources:
1. Renewable energy technologies: The development of renewable energy
technologies such as solar, wind, and hydro power has reduced our reliance
on non-renewable energy sources such as coal and oil. This has helped to lower
carbon emissions and reduce the impact of energy production on the
2. Precision agriculture: Precision agriculture techniques, such as the use of sensors
and GPS technology, have enabled farmers to use resources more efficiently.
This reduces waste and improves crop yields, which helps to conserve natural
resources such as water and fertilizer.
3. Water conservation technologies: Water is a finite resource, and its conservation
is crucial for sustainable development. Technology has enabled the development
of water conservation technologies such as drip irrigation systems, which reduce
water waste in agricultural production.
4. Sustainable forestry practices: Technology has enabled the development of
sustainable forestry practices such as the use of satellite imagery to monitor forest
cover and identify areas for reforestation. This helps to conserve forests, which
are essential for maintaining biodiversity and mitigating climate change.
5. Recycling and waste reduction: Technology has enabled the development of
recycling and waste reduction technologies that help to conserve natural
resources such as minerals and water. For example, recycling technology can
recover valuable materials from electronic waste, reducing the need for new
resource extraction.

IV. Conclusion
In conclusion, the relationship between technology and natural resources is complex and
multifaceted. While technology has enabled us to harness natural resources in new and
innovative ways, it has also had negative impacts on the environment and natural
ecosystems. The use of non-renewable resources, the release of harmful pollutants, and
the destruction of natural habitats are just a few of the negative consequences that can
result from the development and use of technology.
Therefore, it is important that we recognize the importance of maintaining a balance
between technology and natural resources. We must work towards more sustainable
practices that prioritize the protection and conservation of natural resources, while also
enabling continued economic and social development. This includes investing in
renewable energy sources, reducing waste and pollution, and promoting conservation
and restoration efforts.
By working towards a more sustainable and equitable approach to resource
management, we can help to ensure that both people and the planet can thrive together
for generations to come. As we continue to develop and use technology, it is important
to consider the long-term impacts on natural resources and to adopt more sustainable
practices. This includes investing in renewable energy sources, reducing waste and
pollution, and promoting conservation and restoration efforts.
Ultimately, the relationship between technology and natural resources must be balanced
to ensure the continued health and wellbeing of both people and the planet. By working
towards a more sustainable and equitable approach to resource management, we can
create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

V. Mind mapping

VI. Recommendation
Based on the investigation of the relationship between technology and natural resources,
here are some recommendations and suggestions:
1. Invest in renewable energy sources: Renewable energy sources such as solar,
wind, and hydropower are becoming increasingly cost-competitive with
traditional fossil fuels. Governments, businesses, and individuals should consider
investing in these renewable sources to reduce our reliance on non-renewable
2. Reduce waste and pollution: Waste and pollution from technology can have
negative impacts on natural resources and ecosystems. We should prioritize
reducing waste and pollution through measures such as recycling, reusing, and
reducing our consumption of single-use products.
3. Promote conservation and restoration efforts: Protecting and restoring natural
habitats and ecosystems is essential for the health of our planet. Governments,
businesses, and individuals should support conservation efforts, such as
protecting endangered species and reforestation projects.
4. Encourage sustainable practices: Sustainable practices such as reducing energy
consumption, using environmentally friendly products, and promoting
sustainable agriculture can help to reduce our impact on natural resources.
5. Promote public awareness and education: Educating the public on the
importance of sustainable practices and the impacts of technology on natural
resources can help to promote more responsible behavior.
6. Foster collaboration: Collaboration between governments, businesses, and
communities is essential in promoting sustainable resource management
practices. Partnerships and collaboration can help to share knowledge, resources,
and best practices, leading to more effective and efficient solutions.
Overall, it is important to recognize the complex relationship between technology and
natural resources and to take action to ensure a more sustainable and equitable future for
all. By investing in renewable energy, reducing waste and pollution, promoting
conservation efforts, encouraging sustainable practices, promoting education and
awareness, and fostering collaboration, we can work towards a more sustainable future.

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