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Republic of the Philippines


P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

DIASANTA, JIRAHMAE M. October 7, 2021



1. Discuss how the nature of technology affects the nature of society.

Technology can be defined as the utility of scientific knowledge and machines to
make the life of mankind better and easier. We are living in an era where life has been shaped by
technology and its usability in almost every aspect of man’s life.
There are both positive and negative effects of technology on society due to the
reason that technology has helped to reduce the expenditure and time management problems of
production in every field of life. We are using technology so frequently that it is hard to estimate
every technology that how much it is impacting our lives and how does technology affect our
society in return. Despite its wide and unlimited range of benefits, many concerns of society are
rising by its frequent use. Technology can affect us but it depends on its purpose for which it is
being used or in which manner. People are using it for benefits but there are some harms related
to those benefits as side effects which can be classified as negative impacts of the technology on
our society. With so many benefits and utilities in every aspect of life, it is hard to isolate
technology from our lives. Our society relay on the use of technology.
The evolving technology has benefited and saved lives. Technology has brought so
many positive changes in the field of the healthcare industry and made our lives, even more,
simpler than that before.
• New medical technologies helped doctors to diagnose disease more precisely. The
latest telecommunication system enables a specialist doctor to prescribe medicines to patients
miles away in a village dispensary where the facility is not available.
• Nowadays minimal invasive surgeries are performed precisely with different
medical types of equipment to minimize the risk and effect of surgery.
• Technology has provided new foundations for research in the medical field that
resulted in the inventions and creations of vaccines for lethal diseases.
Republic of the Philippines
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City


Technology is helping the process of working and learning. The education system is
also one of the fields which are greatly facilitated by technology and making the world a better
place for living for everyone.
• Different kinds of educational apps have been developed by companies to facilitate
teachers and students. Mobile devices and laptops with web connections are providing teachers
and students the latest research and information available.
• With the large storing ability of devices the students can store a large amount of data
and can carry it anywhere. They can explore multitudinous opportunities for their future.
• Virtual classrooms are enabling education to flourish in far areas. Students can now
track opportunities around the globe and remain updated.


Travelling has become a hobby to millions and became an interesting activity
because of the advanced comfortable rides. Traveling from one region of the world to another
has never been so easy earlier as it is now with the advanced fast airline services.
• Bullet trains can take passengers from one city to another in very little time.
• Logistics and shipment services of goods are now very efficient and quick due to
technological advancement and ease in operation provided due to technology in different


If we look at the sector of agriculture before the advancements of technology, it was
not possible to grow crops in deserted areas but thanks to technology which made it all easy. Due
to the advancements of technology in the field of Agriculture, production are growing even safer
and faster.
• Technology is also playing a vital role in global food security and helps in providing
billions of people with food. Today’s agriculture is highly mechanized which makes farmers able
to grow crops in areas where it was not possible before.
• All the field operations and cultural practices seedbed preparation, cutting, and
harvesting of crops on large fields are done in a few hours. Advancement in fertilizer technology
Republic of the Philippines
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

and pest control with ultra volume technology has played a major role in providing crops a
favorable environment for growth and maximum yield.
• Solar energy is exploited through solar technology glasses and troughs for
transmission of water and other needs in fields. Weather forecasts and other meteorological types
of equipment help to predict the response and needs of the crops for better management.


Technology is harmful to the society in which we are living in so many ways. The
technology being used up in the manufacturer’s area causes pollution and hence makes the
environment harmful and polluted for the people.
• With technological growth, industrialization has expanded gigantically which emits
noxious by-products in the environment which affects the ecosystem and environment for life on
earth. These by-products have toxic chemicals and gases which are carcinogenic which cause
health problems. A large amount of these by-products is disposed of, in lakes, canals, and rivers
which are accumulated in oceans that have endangered marine life too.
• Emission of a huge amount of different gases including carbon dioxide, carbon
mono oxide, and sulfur oxide from vehicles, ships, and airplanes is also an evolving problem that
is one of the primary causes of many diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and cancer.
• Due to the lack of control strategies the by-products from industries and emissions
from vehicles have become a major problem in many developing countries where health
facilities are not advanced and affected the health of millions of people.


Good Health is the basic rule for living a good life but unfortunately due to the misuse
of technology people are suffering from different sorts of health issues. Using technology
anywhere anytime can badly affect your physical and mental health and the routine of your
normal and daily life.
According to the research; “Blue light emission from mobile and other digital devices
can affect the sleep cycle.”
Republic of the Philippines
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

• Digital devices are affecting people in many ways many young generations can not
maintain proper posture due to the over-usage of digital devices like laptops in improper sitting
• Many adults have detached from their loved ones because of overusing the web and
social media which badly affected social life. Studies reveal that; “Emotional problems, stress,
anxiety, and depression are also due to the over usage of social media.”
• Other problems like blurred vision, headache, muscle pain, and lack of focus are
also caused by the frequent use of digital technology.


Technology is playing a massively rapid role in climate change. The technological
advancements include both positive and negative changes and impacts on our society.
• Technological advancement leads to the industrial revolution and increased
transportation. With such a large amount of vehicles and industries running on daily basis
emissions of toxins and heat energy have tremendously increased. Heat energy emission to the
atmosphere is giving rise to global warming which is resulting in climate change. It has now
become a hot issue that has been addressed in the UN assembly by the world leaders.
• Globalization and industrialization are resulting in deforestation. More than 50% of
industries are promoting deforestation for their raw materials. This deforestation disturbs the
ecosystem which results in unexpected weather patterns. Climate change is making farmers bear
losses which can fan hunger in poor families.
• The Australian forest fire of 2019 which killed millions of animals and destroyed
homes and lands is the consequence of climate change. The frequency of such forest fires may
increase in the future due to climatic changes caused by the excessive use of hazardous


The rapidly increasing use of technology in wars is making society harmful for the
people to live in.
• Destructive weapons developed in the last few decades have increased the severity
of wars. Weapon technology is used for different terrorist acts. From the 19th century until now
and weapon tech took millions of innocent lives.
Republic of the Philippines
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

• War always brings destruction and is the most horrific thing encountered by nations.
War and terror are the most horrific risks to human civilization. Thousands of different kinds of
modern destructive weapons developed through technological advancements.
• Weapons like atomic bombs are a threat to human civilization that can wipe out life
on earth. In August 1945 two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which
killed millions of innocent people. Nuclear bombs are a calamitous weapon ever used in human
history and it has become the world’s grand fear. All these are the result of the adverse use of
From the above-stated points, we can easily conclude that technology is really
important for the survival of humans in society but at the same time, it has so many harmful
effects on the human being that lives in that society. It is the technology that is shaping our
society. It can make our life better and it can become a threat to our life too. The results that
appear are as per the way we are using it. Our use makes technology favorable or awful.

6. Describe the quality of a good scientist.

The qualities of a good scientist may vary to some extent with different specialties.
But, every scientist needs to have a good foundation in science classes throughout high school
and college, along with a good understanding of math. These basic classes give you a good start
toward science careers.
Two of the most common characteristics of scientists are curiosity and patience.
Scientists are curious about the world around them, and they yearn to learn what makes
everything work. Their inquisitiveness keeps them going ahead to the next project and the next
They also must have patience to undergo the years of work that might be required to
make a discovery in a scientific field. A sense of optimism keeps a scientist performing
experiment after experiment, even if most of them fail. Scientists know that failed experiments
provide answers as often as successful ones do. Scientists require patience to repeat experiments
multiple times to verify results.
Scientists need to be detail oriented, noticing even tiny observations and
remembering and recording them. Their minds tend to be analytical, and they can categorize data
in an efficient way so it can be recalled later. They usually have facts and hypotheses from
several fields and experiments tucked into their memories so that they can be put together in
different combinations to answer questions or provide direction for research.
Republic of the Philippines
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

Being open-minded is crucial for successful people in science careers. A good

scientist will accept whatever outcome his or her work has and not try to force the results into a
preformed opinion. A scientist also has good ethics and will not give false results or shade an
experiment to fulfill the expected outcome. He or she will accept the solutions of others, even
when they conflict with his or her own.
Most people think of science as an uncreative field, but in reality, scientists must be
very creative. They ask why something happens or what happens and then devise experiments to
answer the question. Their creativity allows them to think outside the box and envision things
that cannot be seen. They must be ready to give up old ideas when new ones come along.
The best scientists are tenacious and determined. They realize that their life’s work
may take decades to reach a conclusion and that they may be starting in the wrong way and need
to change course. They also understand that, as they build on the work of scientists from past
generations, their own work will likely be proven false by future scientists.

Scientists must be able to work as part of a team or to work independently, depending

on the need of the project. They must be able to communicate effectively, both in writing and in
speaking. People in science careers often work alone, but they also must have good networking
skills. Joining and participating in scientific associations strengthen the ties in the scientific
community, and scientists can help and support one another. A good scientist has the capability
of explaining scientific ideas to a person who is not a scientist. People working in science careers
in industry or government must be able to cooperate and to accept management from those in
higher positions. They should be able to accept assignments of work rather than going off on
their own. The best scientists also have some understanding of other scientific fields.

7. Identify chemistry, biology, physics, earth science in a simple process like

Photosynthesis is essential to all life on earth; both plants and animals depend on it.
Biology, chemistry, physics and earth science are fields that are involved in photosynthesis.
Biology is defined as the science of life and living organisms. Photosynthesis is the only
biological process that can capture energy that originates in outer space (sunlight) and convert it
into chemical compounds (carbohydrates) that every organism uses to power its metabolism.
Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of the composition and
the physical and chemical properties of various forms of matter. During photosynthesis, plants
take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil. Within the plant cell, the
Republic of the Philippines
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

water is oxidized, meaning it loses electrons, while the carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it
gains electrons. This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose.
Physics is the branch of science that deals with the structure of matter and how the
fundamental constituents of the universe interact. In photosynthesis, the law of conservation of
mass states that in a chemical reaction, mass is neither created nor destroyed. That means, the
total mass for the reactants needs to equal the total mass of the products. The reactants for
photosynthesis are 6 carbon dioxides, 6 water and sunlight. A trick of quantum physics called
coherence, helps the energy of the elementary particles of light, called photons, find the most
efficient path to a plant's (or purple bacterium's) so-called reaction center, where the light's
energy fuels the reaction that produces carbohydrates.
Finally, Earth sciences are the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth, its
waters, and the air that envelops it. In photosynthesis, plants constantly absorb and release
atmospheric gases in a way that creates sugar for food. Carbon dioxide goes in the plant's cells;
oxygen comes out. Without sunlight and plants, the Earth would become an inhospitable place
unable to support air-breathing animals and people.

Trace energy flow to its source in a typical meal.

Energy is required for living organisms to grow, breathe, reproduce, and move.
Because energy cannot be generated out of thin air, it must be transmitted via the environment.
The sun is the major source of energy for nearly every ecosystem on the planet. Primary
producers utilize energy from the sun to generate their own food in the form of glucose, which is
then consumed by primary consumers, who are then consumed by secondary consumers, and so
on, with energy flowing from one trophic level to the next. A food chain is the simplest method
to show this energy flow. The arrows depict energy being transferred up the chain, and each link
in the chain symbolizes a new trophic level. The primary producer is always at the bottom of a
food chain. Plants are the primary producers in terrestrial ecosystems, while phytoplankton is the
major producer in marine ecosystems. In their own habitats, each generate the majority of the
nutrients and energy required to maintain the rest of the food chain.
8. What is the danger of having too many automobiles in a crowded Tacloban City?
One bad effect of having too many automobiles in a city like Tacloban is pollution.
Automobiles generate greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which contribute to global
warming. Some air pollutants and particle matter from cars can be deposited on the soil and
water surface, where they enter the food chain, affecting animals' reproductive, respiratory,
immunological, and neurological systems.
Republic of the Philippines
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

Another bad effect is destruction of natural resources. Natural resources are God's
gifts to us, and we must protect them. Despite being the smartest species on the planet, humans
contribute the most to the depletion of the Earth's natural resources. It requires a lot of steel, iron,
polymers, rubber, and other materials to make vehicles and other autos. Similarly, the majority of
these items are designed to enhance the car's appearance. Even industrial procedures require a
significant amount of energy, which has an impact on the environment either directly or
Finally, it affects human health. The diesel engines are responsible for emitting a
high level of pollutants which act as airborne particles like soot and metals. These particles
generally cause irritation and allergies to skin and eyes. Even fine particles are often inhaled by
the people which lead to respiratory problems affecting the lungs. Ozone is beneficial for the
upper layer in the atmosphere but when one inhales it, it causes problems like chest pain, cough
and is very difficult to breathe in. Even the noise produced by the cars causes noise pollution
which is bad for the ears as well and often leads to physiological problems.

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