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Name: Manuela Londoño Zapata

Course 14

My mom's family
Family is important for several reasons. Firstly, it is a source of support, where its
members offer guidance, encouragement and a sense of belonging, which contributes to
the well-being and development of each person. The family is where values, traditions
and social norms are learned, creating our identities and behaviors, transmitting
knowledge and stories from one generation to another, preserving traditions that
contribute to a sense of shared identity.

My mother tells me that her family lived in a more rural area and in those days they did
not have as much access to technology. She tells me that in her house they only had one
television and there were several siblings, so the first one to take control had power over
the others. They also used to go out to play a lot in the street, games like hide and seek,
punching, chucha, etc, because there were almost no cars and the few that there were
respected the space so that the children could play.

My mother and her family went through financial problems at one time, where it was
difficult to even get the money for tickets and go to study at university. Furthermore, my
mother tells me that in her case, while she was at university she was also working
because she had to help her family income. These problems were solved by minimizing
unnecessary expenses and leaving the little money they received for more important
things such as food and study.

Initially, my mother also told me an anecdote, where she told me about what her time
with her brothers was like and all the crazy things they did. It should be noted that she is
the only woman of the four children my grandmother had, in addition to being the
second oldest daughter. She told me that her older brother was very rough with her and
her games together were a little heavy. On one occasion they were playing and suddenly
her brother picked up a stone and threw it at my mother, it landed on her wrist and
immediately, a lot of blood started coming out and she went to the hospital. There they
performed surgery to help stop the bleeding. After this my mother began to defend
herself more against her brother and on another occasion when he was bothering her,
my mother took a branch of a tree and suddenly, hit my uncle, causing a large bruise on
his forehead. her. But in the end, they have always been very unique and have loved
each other all their lives, still maintaining a great bond as brothers.

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