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who are directive or permissive

toward subordinates, and the

extent to which they are
Leadership Behavior: What do participative or autocratic in their
decision making.
Leaders do?
1. Participative Versus Autocratic
Leadership Behavior
 The Autocratic-Delegation
Continuum Model – an
approach to leadership
recognizing that leaders allow
followers to have different 2. Person-oriented Versus
degrees of decision-making Production-oriented leaders
power, ranging from autocratic,  Initiating structure
through participative, to (production-centered) –
delegating. activities by a leader designed
 Autocratic(leadership to enhance productivity,
style) - style of leadership in having a task-oriented style.
which a leader makes all  Consideration (person-
decisions unilaterally. oriented) – actions by a
 Delegation (leadership leader that demonstrate
style) - style of leadership in concern with the welfare of
which a leader allows subordinates, having a
employees to make their person-oriented style
own decisions.
 Participative leadership
style - style of leadership in
which a leader solicits
opinions from subordinates
before making decisions.

 Two-dimensional model of
subordinate participation – an
approach to leadership that
distinguishes between leaders
Grid Training – a multistep process The Challenge of Leading Work
designed to cultivate within leaders a
concern for people and a concern for

Guidelines to achieve success as

a team leader:

1. Work at building trust and

inspiring teamwork
2. Concentrate on expanding team
Leaders and Followers 3. Attempt to create a team identity
4. Are encouraged to make the
The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
most of differences between
Model – a theory suggesting that
leaders form different relations with
5. Try to foresee and influence
various subordinates and that the nature
of such dyadic exchanges can exert
strong effects on subordinates’ Contingency theories of leadership
performance and satisfaction. effectiveness – any of several theories
that recognize that certain styles of
 In-group – is favored by the
leadership are more effective in some
leader. They receive considerably
situations than others.
more attention from the leader
and larger shares of the Two common themes:
resources they have to offer
(such as time and recognition).  All adopt a contingency approach
 Out-group – is disfavored by  All concerned with the issue of
leaders. They receive fewer leadership effectiveness.
valued resources from their
leaders. 1. LPC Contingency Theory – a
theory suggesting that leader
effectiveness is determined both by
characteristics of leaders (their LPC 1. Task behavior – guidance and
scores) and by the level of situational direction
control they are able to exert over 2. Relationship behavior –
subordinates. emotional support

LPC - Short for “esteem for least Delegating - low levels of task
preferred coworker”—a personality behavior and low levels of
variable distinguishing between relationship behavior are required. It
individuals with respect to their is the best way to treat followers that
concern for people (high LPC) and is, turning over to them the
their concern for production (low responsibility for making and
LPC). implementing their own decisions.

Participating - low levels of task

Three Factors: behavior, but high levels of
1. The nature of the leader’s relationship (supportive) behavior
relations with group members are required. Conditions in which
(the extent to which he or she followers need very little guidance
enjoys their support and loyalty) with respect to how to do their jobs,
2. The degree of structure in the but considerable emotional hand-
task being performed (the holding and support to motivate
extent to which task goals and them.
subordinates’ roles are clearly
defined) Selling - Followers still lack the skill
3. The leader’s position power to be able to succeed, although in
this case, they require more
Leader match – the practice of emotional support.
matching leaders (based on their LPC
scores) to the groups whose situations Telling - Situations in which
best match those in which they are followers need a great deal of
expected to be most effective (according direction from their leaders but don’t
to LPC contingency theory). need much emotional support from
2. Situational Leadership Theory – a
theory suggesting that the most
effective style of leadership—either
delegating, participating, selling, or
telling—depends on the extent to
which followers require guidance and
direction, and emotional support.

Two Variables:
3. Path-Goal Theory – a theory of  Developing networks of social
leadership suggesting that interaction between people, close
subordinates will be motivated by ties within and between
a leader only to the extent they organizations
perceive this individual as helping  Developing trusting relationships
them to attain valued goals. between oneself and others
 Developing common values and
Four Basic Styles:
shared visions with others
1. Instrumental (directive) – an
approach focused on providing
specific guidance and establishing 1. 360-Degree Feedback – the
work schedules and rules. process of using multiple sources
2. Supportive – a style focused on from around an organization, and
establishing good relations with outside it, to evaluate the work of an
subordinates and satisfying their individual—often used for leaders to
needs. learn what people think about them.
3. Participative – a pattern in which 2. Assessment centers – sessions in
the leader consults with which a variety of techniques are
subordinates, permitting them to used to determine how people
participate in decisions. behave under various standardized
4. Achievement-oriented – an conditons.
approach in which the leader sets 3. Networking – a leadership
challenging goals and seeks development tool designed to help
improvements in performance. people make connections to others
to whom they can turn for
Two Aspects:
information and problem solving.
1. Characteristics of Subordinates 4. Executive Coaching – a technique
2. Aspects of the work environment of leadership development that
involves custom-tailored, one-on-one
Leadership Development: learning aimed at improving an
Bringing Out the Leader Within individual leader’s performance.
You 5. Mentoring – in which employees
receive help, either formally or
Leadership Development – the informally, from more experienced
practice of systematically training people colleagues in the organization as a
to expand their capacity to function means of helping them develop their
effectively in leadership roles. careers.
6. Job Assignments - assigning them
Three Major areas of emphasis:
to positions that allow them to gain
”on the job” experience.
7. Action Learning – a leadership
development technique involving a
continuous process of learning and
reflection that is supported by
colleagues and that emphasizes
getting things done

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