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Step 1. Write your ways of breaking up stress:

1. Going out with family or friends

2. Satisfy hunger with cravings
3. Movie Marathons
4. Organizing and cleaning routines
5. Buying my wants
6. Letting out stress by healthily expressing emotions or talking to someone
7. Be focused on findings solutions to ease the problem/issue

Step 2. After the sharing, answer the guide questions below:

1. How did you feel when you were asked to write/list down your ways in
coping with stress?

Listing down the coping routines I usually do when stressed made me feel the
urge to do those things. As leisure activities and fulfilling my desires drive me
to be relaxed, it is demanding to attain nowadays since my time revolves
around meeting academic requirements. It is not surprising that I mostly
encounter stress due to educational-related obligations. But hanging out with
friends, fulfilling my food cravings, immersing myself in move marathons,
conducting organizing and cleaning activities, and purchasing my wants are
some methods to deal with stress to avoid negatively affecting my mental
well-being. Moreover, healthily expressing my emotions, talking to someone,
and being occupied with formulating resolutions to the problem makes me
relieve stress in a wholesome way.

2. When you were instructed to share your list with someone, what were
you thinking of?

When I am obliged to convey my list to my classmate, it pushes me to

contemplate that maybe we have resemblances in managing stress.
Furthermore, it made me think that every individual undergoes distress,
especially in exhausting circumstances. Additionally, people have various
approaches on they deal with it. Each of us has different preferences and
habits for encountering stressful events. Thus, this showed me to be curious
about how others specifically handle their stress levels.
3. Based on your sharing, do you have similar stress coping strategies?
If yes, did you discuss if those similar ways on your lists are effective? If
no, why?

Our identical methods of coping with tension displayed the same perception
regarding their effectiveness. As my classmate and I discussed how we control
our stress, it was discovered we both occasionally fulfill our food cravings, for it
gradually soothes our stressful mind and thus leads us to indulge in the food
delightfully. However, we contended that controlling eating habits is crucial to
avoid health-related issues. Likewise, we tend to have the pulse to go out with
family or peers, which eventually eliminates stress and creates long-lasting
memories that we can cherish forever. We also agreed that buying something
we want will reward us for our exemplified perseverance in complying with
strenuous school tasks. But, regulating our spending behavior must be
considered to avoid extreme consumerism. In addition, we healthily convey
our emotions to vent out stress so that it would not be pent-up in our minds and
to let ourselves be free from expressing ourselves mannerly.


1. Give at least two Filipino traits that you possess. Explain at least 2
strengths and 2 weaknesses of such traits that you have.

Living in the Philippines throughout my existence has influenced my overall

personal attributes. For instance, being a Filipino has molded me to become
family-oriented, as it taught me to value family togetherness. However,
extreme familism can constrain how I embark on self-growth as I live. This also
weakens how I practice self-reliance while reaching adulthood. Meanwhile,
being hardworking also serves as one of the Filipino traits that I am proud to
declare, for it exhibits that I can put the extra mile to attain my objectives.
Nevertheless, too much working hard can reduce relaxation time and amplify
stress levels. As these two traits are the most prevalent Filipino characteristics
throughout my personality, they played a vital part in discerning my

2. How did the two traits develop?

Being family-oriented has led me to give importance to my family, thus making

me appreciate its essence. This trait has grown since my early childhood, as it
is emphasized within my upbringing environment that commitment and quality
time in the family are crucial in the Filipino household. However, unlike others,
my family prioritizes my happiness rather than forcing me to conform to their
standards. Hence, this stimulated me to be grateful and appreciate the family
that I had. Furthermore, my hunger for success drove me to work hard for my
ambitions. In my high school years, I assimilated that if I was aiming to achieve
something, I should exert every effort I had to obtain it.
3. How would you improve the weaknesses of such traits?

Extreme familism can be a hindrance to establishing independence. But, I

must do my best to balance my interest and family values to avoid toxic
family-centeredness. Moreover, the adverse effects of being hardworking pave
the way for me to have decreased quality time with myself, peers, and family.
Being overly focused on meeting goals enables me to experience
self-pressure, thus preventing me from enjoying the wonders of life. However,
learning to pause and setting boundaries between personal life and academic
endeavors can aid me in managing time adeptly and increasing productivity

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