LD Passage

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Paragraph for Standard -V

This story is based on a famous English play called "Merchant of

Ananda was a merchant from Bengaluru. He had a friend called Bharat.
Bharat needed money to marry a beautiful lady called Parvathi. So, he asked
Ananda to help him. Ananda borrowed fifty thousand rupees from an old
merchant called Shrikanth. Shrikanth was a cruel man. He asked Ananda to sign
a bond before giving the money. According to the bond Ananda had to give a
piece of flesh from his body if he did not repay the money within three months.
Ananda was confident of returning the money. But he was not able to give back
the money. Shrikanth filed a case against Ananda claiming a piece of flesh from
Ananda’s body. The Judge wanted to help Ananda. He instructed Shrikanth to
take a piece of flesh from Ananda's body without a drop of blood. Since this
was not possible, Ananda's life was saved.

Paragraph for Standard -VI

Once there lived a wood-cutter named Alibaba. He was a poor man.
Every morning he went to the forest to cut wood. He returned in the evening
and sold the wood in the market. One day while he was cutting the wood in the
forest, he heard some sound. Men came riding on horses. Alibaba saw them and
was frightened. He thought were robbers. He hid himself among the branches of
a tree. Forty men led by their leader came riding on horses.
The forty men and their leader got off their horses and tied them to a
tree. Their leader went near a cave and said "open sesame". The door of the
cave opened. All of them went in. After some time they came out. Now the
leader said "close sesame", and the door closed behind him. They went away.
Alibaba waited till they were out of sight. Then he came down from the tree. He
went near the cave and said "open sesame". The door opened. He went inside.
He saw heaps of gold coins and precious diamonds inside the cave.
Paragraph for Standard-VII
One hot summer morning a forest officer was driving through a thick
forest. He spotted from a distance a group of animals drinking water at a large
water pool. There were spotted deer drinking water and enjoying themselves.
The forest officer was attracted by this beautiful sight. As he was trying to
adjust his camera lens, one of the deer saw him and let out a deafening yell in
terror and disappeared into the forest. All the animals understood that there was
danger to their lives and ran away. In a minute all of them disappeared. The
mere sight of a man was a danger signal to them. He drove further in the forest
and saw some rare trees such as sandalwood, rosewood, ebony and mahogany.
He also saw several monkeys, squirrels and colourful birds. He wished to see
tigers and elephants. To his luck a herd of elephants walked past his vehicle.
The officer took some pictures of elephants. As it was getting dark, he carefully
drove back without disturbing the peaceful atmosphere of the forest.

Paragraph for Standard-VIII

It was my second year at boarding-school, and I was sitting on platform
No. 8 at Ambala station, waiting for the north-bound train. I think I was about
12 at that time. My parents considered me old enough to travel alone and I had
arrived by bus at Ambala early in the evening: now there was a wait till
midnight before my train arrived. Most of the time, I had been pacing up and
down the platform, browsing at the book-stall, or feeding broken biscuits to
stray dogs; trains came and went, and the platform would be quiet for a while
and then when a train arrived, it would be an inferno of shouting, agitated
human bodies. As the carriage doors opened, a wave of people would sweep
down upon the nervous little ticket- collector at the gate; and every time this
happened, I would be caught in the rush and swept outside the station. Now
tired of this game, I sat down on my suitcase and gazed dismally across the
railway tracks.
Paragraph for Standard - I

Paragraph for Standard - II

Once there were many rats in the house. One day a big cat came into
the house. She killed many rats. A brown rat was the leader of the rats. Rats
wanted to kill the cat. One small rat said "I want to pull the tail of the cat with
my teeth". The leader said "We can all kill the cat without any problem".

Paragraph for Standard - III

King Krishnadevaraya had a jester called Tenali Rama. Tenali Rama was from a
place called Tenali in Andhra Pradesh. One day the king told Tenali Rama “I
want to give you a horse. Take good care of it. I am going to send an officer
after some time to see the horse".
Tenali Rama took the horse with him. He wanted to haw some fun out
of this. So he tied the horse in a small room with only one window to it. Every
day Tenali Rama gave his horse a handful of hay. After a few days the horse
became very hungry. He was always looking out of the window for some more
Paragraph for Standard - IV
Once a monkey lived on a tree near the bank of a river. There was a
crocodile in the river. One day the crocodile came near the tree and saw the
monkey eating delicious fruit. The crocodile was hungry. "My friend, I am
hungry. Please give me some fruit to eat".
The monkey was moved at the request of the crocodile and -threw some
fruits to the crocodile. The crocodile ate the fruits and thanked the monkey.
Very soon both of them became good friends. They ate fruits together. One day
the monkey suggested to the crocodile to take some fruits to his wife who lived
on the other bank of the river. The crocodile agreed to take some fruits to his
wife. The crocodile's wife was very happy after eating the fruits.

Paragraph for Standard-IX

A small boy, 10 or 12 years old had been watching the plane for some
time. The boy emerged from the clump of trees. He had seen the plane shot
down by the enemy army and the pilot parachute down from the flaming plane.
He came out from the darkness of trees and reached the wounded pilot. "Come
with me Sir. The enemy will be here any minute. There is no time to lose. There
is an army camp nearby. You will be safe there". The pilot staggered, tried to
take 2 or 3 steps but collapsed on the ground. "I can’t walk on my legs. My legs
are probably fractured. Can you do something for me?" asked the pilot.

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