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KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


Học phần: PPGD Tiếng Anh 2 Mã MH: ETH 342 Số TC: 04 Mã đề: 01

Điểm CB chấm thi 1 CB chấm thi 2 Phách

(Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

Part A – Theory

I - Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the sentences

1. The ...................intends to help students to prepare the vocabulary and activate their knowledge on
your content of the text.
A. lead-in
B. pre-reading
C. while-reading
2. one style of reading in which students preview the pictures and subheadings as well
as the first sentences of paragraph
A. Inferring C. Skimming
B. Guessing
3. In ...............................stage of a grammar lesson, students can just copy the model and do some
substituion activities
A. presentation C. practice
B. revision
4. the way of using sense relations among words to give the meaning of new words
A. using synonymy/ antonymy C. using example
B. using situation
5. Questions and answers, Writing based on cued words, and Writing based on providec information
are some examples of ................................
A. Free-writing activities C. Controlled writing activities
B. Guided writing activities
6. One of effective ways to teach pronunication is through.............................................activitiies. For
example, “the fan broke – the van broke; the fan can not make you cool- the van can not deliver
A. Minimal pairs C. Kinesthetic
B. Cartoon and drawing
7. In ………………………………………each partner has one or a few pieces of the “puzzle”, and
the partners must cooperate to fit al the pieces into a whole picture
A. Information gathering activity
B. Jigsaw activity
C. Guessing games
8. In ………………………………………students are given a topic that usually provokes more than
one opinion. Students are asked to discuss the issue in group and give their opinions and the
reasons why they think so.
A. Debate/ Discussion Activity
B. Opinion sharing activity
C. Prepared talks
9. ........................ is a task that requires initiative, creativity and organizational skills, as well as
undertaking responsibility for the solutions to the problems connected with the topic.
A. Project B. Feedback giving C. Negotiation of meaning
10. Listening for detailed information is different from listening for specific information in that………
A. it requires students’ ability to guess the unknown words.
B. students understand everything about the talk.
C. students can comprehend what the speaker implies or suggests.
11. The …………. approach to teaching writing is primarily concerned with "correctness" and form of
the final product.
A. process-oriented B. product-oriented C. task-based
12. Which characteristic does NOT belong to role-plays?
A. little information
B. structure
C. a simulated environment
13. What feedback does the instructor give on students’ project work?
A. language, content and format
B. format, strategy and skill use
C. language, content, strategy and skill use
14. Which criterion is NOT for Speaking Accuracy
A. Lack of hesitation
B. Pronunciation
C. Grammar
15. Which criterion is NOT for Speaking Fluency
A. Lack of hesitation
B. Pronunciation
C. Lenghth
16. Among While-reading activities, …………………… one technique when T writes about 6 to 8
statements on the main points of a reading text but the statements are jumbled.
A. Ordering statements
B. Ordring the pictutes
C. Gap-fill
17. Which is the example of the following post-reading activities used to ask students to retell a
A. Work in groups. Talk about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet’s daily routines
Unit 1, English 10, p.14

B. Work in pairs. Discuss other uses of the computer in our daily life
Unit 5, English 10, p.55

C. Work in groups. Talk about the passage, using the cues below
Unit 13, English 10, p.134

18. What type of listening required in the requirement “Listen and which page number should she
read? Write the numbers here”
A. Listening for general understanding
B. Listening for details
C. Listening for specific information
19. What type of listening required in the requirement “Before you listen, try to number the pictures in
the order the events happened. Listen and check your work”
A. Predicting and guessing
B. Listening for specific information
C. Both of them
20. ……………… the way in which rules discovered by learners fit their existing mental structure
rather than rules they are presented with
A. Deductive approach
B. Inductivce approach
C. Neither of them
II - Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
21. Strategies are skills that have become automatic
22. Strategic reading means the ability of the reader to use a lot of reading strategies to accomplish a
purpose for reading, so learners can know what to do in difficult cases.
23. The actual language uses of a speech community and provides rules that are accepted within that
community is described in a prescriptive grammar.
24. The inductive approach requires teachers to start with the presentation of rules and then give
examples in which the rule is applied when teaching grammar.
25. Teach and practice words in their written form first, otherwise students will try to pronounce the
words as they are written.
26. High frequency words should be given more teaching time and attention than low frequency words
because they are more useful
27. Process-oriented approach encourages students’ communication of ideas, feelings and experiences.
28. When planning a project, only the instructor determines the final outcome of the project
29. Transactional speech involves communicating to get something done, including the exchange of
goods and/or service.
30. Interest is the first criterion to select reading text and another one is variety of topic, of length of
text, of rhetorical organization and of reading purpose
Part B - Practice
Write a detailed plan on how you are going to teach the writing lesson below.
Your lesson plan should be in this format:
- Title:
- Time:
- Objectives:
- Teaching aids:
- Procedure:
Time Activities Steps Aim(s)


Part A - Theory
I (0.2/1) II (0.1/1)
1 11 21
2 12 22
3 13 23
4 14 24
5 15 25
6 16 26
7 17 27
8 18 28
9 19 29
10 20 30

Part B - Practice





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