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Academy of Computer Science & Software Engineering

IFM100: Introduction to Algorithm Development (VB)
Due: 1 March 2023, 08h30

Students should verify that they can complete the following successfully:
• The naming of the project correctly (S<Student Number>_P01)
• Declare variables of different data types and correct use (String, Integer, etc.)
• Correctly assign values to variables and usage of variables
• Correctly utilizing textboxes for input and display – Form look and feel
• Use of the different events in the project
• Perform data conversions (when necessary)
• Perform calculations using variables
• Explain, describe, and usage of Option Explicit, Option Strict, and Option infer
• Evaluate conditions using If-statements and implementing the correct subsection of code.
• A handwritten design must hand it to your assistant within the first 10 minutes of the start of
the session.


1. A full/complete design of this project must be handwritten, and this design must be
submitted with your practical assignment in the practical session.
o Marks will be deducted from students who do not submit their designs on time.
o Practical assignments without the correct accompanying design will not be
2. Only make use of the knowledge provided in the module thus far to complete this
assignment – for example, make use only of elements of the design aspects.
3. Copy and paste the following at the top of your code, completing the information. This
code goes at the top of the program, before the options statements:
' **************************************************************************************************
' Surname, Initials:
' Student Number:
' Practical: P01
' **************************************************************************************************

The awarding of marks is dependent on each student’s ability to effectively justify and demonstrate understanding of
the practical work presented.

As a starting practical assignment, you will develop a Visual Basic application that can calculate your
semester mark and then indicate if you can write the exam or need to repeat the module.

You will need to let the user enter the following marks:

• A single mark for the weekly practical assignments is out of 100. (WPM)
• Semester Test 1, which is out of 45. (ST1)
• Semester Test 2, which is out of 100. (ST2)

Once you have the three marks, calculate the Semester Mark (SM) and Practical component mark (PCM).

SM = (WPM* 0.10) + (ST1*0.25) + (ST2*0.65)

PCM = [((WPM*0.10) + (ST2*0.65))/75] *100

* Hint you will need to convert all the marks to be out of 100 for the calculations to work

Now that you have the Semester Mark and the practical component mark, you must determine if the
student can write the exam or must repeat the module.

If the SM is greater or equal to 40 and the PCM is greater or equal to 50, then the student can write the
exam, else the student will need to repeat the module.

The application must be able to display the SM, PCM, and the result of the if statement.


Add in the ability for the application to inform the student that they are promoted if their semester mark is greater
or equal to 70%. This must be displayed in the same textbox you use to display the result if the student writes the
exam or is repeating it.

The awarding of marks is dependent on each student’s ability to effectively justify and demonstrate understanding of
the practical work presented.

Design (Input, Output, Variables, Event and Actions, Interface, Algorithm, Test data) 50
Form (Look and Feel, renaming of all controls) 20
Option Statements 15
The input of all information given by the user through text boxes 10
Calculation, store, and display in a textbox the SM 10
Calculation, store, and display in a textbox the PCM 10
Determine, and display the access of the exam for the student in a textbox 15
Correct (Does the programming solve the problem and give an accurate answer) 45
Programming style – includes both effective AND efficient programming 10
Following instructions for the name project and adding the three lines given in point 3 of
the instruction to your code
Bonus – Display if the student promotes 20
Total 205
Total with bonus 225

The awarding of marks is dependent on each student’s ability to effectively justify and demonstrate understanding of
the practical work presented.

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