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Final Requirements

In Mathematics
in the Modern World

Submitted by:

Submitted to:
Mr. Dave Lacquio
“College of Business Administration Students Dream Job When They Were a Child”

Many people have a dream job when they are young, a profession that they aspire to
pursue or achieve in the future. However, not everyone ends up following their childhood
dream, as they may encounter various obstacles, opportunities, or changes along the way.
The choice of a dream job may also reflect the personality, interests, values, and influences
of a person at a certain stage of their life.

This survey aims to explore the childhood aspirations of College of Business

Administration students. The data and information for this are based on a sampling
technique survey, which asked 50 respondents from various age groups, genders, and
backgrounds to answer the question: "What was your dream job when you were a child?"
The results of the survey are summarized and visualized in the following sections.

I chose this topic because I was curious about the childhood aspirations of different
people like College of Business Administration students, to know if there are dreams that
is in lined with this department. I wanted to explore the choice of a dream job and does it
changes over time.

To collect data for this topic, I used asampling technique, which is a non-probability
sampling method that involves selecting respondents based on their availability and
accessibility. I created an online survey with a single question: "What was your dream job
when you were a child?" and distributed it through social media platforms. I received 50
responses from various age groups, genders and backgrounds in the College of Business
Administration students.

The results of the data gathering are summarized in the table:

Dream Job Frequency Percentage

Teacher 15 30%
Police 19 38%
Fireman 4 8%
Banker 1 2%
Businessman 5 10%
Artist 3 6%
Newscaster 2 4%
Model 1 2%
TOTAL 50 100%
Chart showing the results of the data gathering:

Dream Job

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Dream Job

Dream Job

Teacher Police Fireman Banker Businessman Artist Newscaster Model

Based on the results, I can make an inferential statistics about the population of
interest, which is the College of Business Administration students who have a dream job
when they were children. The most common dream job among the respondents was police,
followed by teacher and businessman. This suggests that these professions are perceived
as desirable, prestigious, or exciting by many children. The least common dream jobs
among the respondents were banker, model, and fireman. This suggests that these
professions are either less appealing, less accessible, or less familiar to many children.
The distribution of dream jobs among the respondents was not uniform, as some
categories had much higher or lower frequencies than others. This indicates that there is a
lot of variation and diversity in the choice of a dream job among children. The choice of
a dream job among the respondents might be influenced by various factors, such as
personal interests, talents, values, role models, media exposure, social norms, and cultural
expectations. These factors might also change over time, affecting the stability or
consistency of the dream job.

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