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Thunderbolt - Product information

Thunderbolt is the product developed by IGPC to overcome the ban on
usage of Glue boards for controlling commensal rodents. Glue boards
have already been banned in Telangana (including Hyderabad) and
Tamil Nādu states. Sooner the Glue boards are going to be banned in
Goa as well and gradually in rest of the India for sure, as PETA is
appealing for nationwide ban on usage of glue boards for rodent
control in light of the wildlife and other animal who get stuck on
these glue boards and die slow, painful death.

In view of above IGPC have developed the Thunderbolt the CO2 powered rodent traps which is completely
non-toxic, non-glue based, completely automatic and humane Mouse Trap as it kills the rodent instantly.

Products Features.

Aromatic – Self - Safe around Pests


Easy to install Completely Non-


Long life Lure Quick kill

How it Works

Sniff sniff Kapow Auto – Reset Sniff sniff

Non-Toxic lure Rat moves the Dead Rat drops Rat continues to
attract rat into trigger, firing the as trap reset attract towards
the trap trap. itself. trap.

Thunderbolt – The rodent trapping device is our best product so far, which have everything you need for
constant control of your rodent problem, The portable trap stand makes it easy to change its location.
Targeting rats and mice, the weatherproof trap kills rodents repeatedly without toxins or electricity,
automatically resetting itself after each CO2-powered shot so you don’t have to. Simply attach it to the
portable trap stand, sit back, and then toss the remains (or, if installed outdoors, let scavengers do that for
you.) It's trapping made easy!

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