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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Lee Jordan/George Weasley
Character: Lee Jordan
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2002-09-14 Words: 463 Chapters: 1/?
by Sofie K Werkers (femgeek)


Lee and George and sibling rivalry.

Most of the time, George liked being a twin. It was fun, always having someone around to
plot mischief with, always
a friend nearby. Sometimes, though, he was tired of always being part of "them". He was
always one of the twins and everything was always "theirs", not "his". Even friends.

He glanced over at the next library table, where Lee and Fred were having an animated
discussion of, as far as George could tell, various things they'd like to do to assorted

I saw him first, dammit.

It had been on the Hogwarts Express, first year. Fred and he had been telling the other first
years all about the
Sorting, and, just when he was in the middle of explaining a group of them the best way to
trick the spiders, a voice piped up, "Sorting's not done with spiders, you idiot."

He put on his haughtiest, most Percy expression and glared at the other boy. "Oh, really? And
how would you know?"

"My three sisters all went to Hogwarts. They told me." The other grinned at him. "It's not
spiders, it's a troll."

So he'd just sat back and listened to the boy terrify the other firsties, and afterwards the other
boy had come to him. "Hey. I'm Lee Jordan."

"George Weasley."

"Ah, you're one of Charlie Weasley's brothers, right? One of the twins?"

"Yeah. Fred's around here somewhere. You want a chocolate frog?"

"Oh, thanks." Then he grinned again, put an arm around George's shoulders, and said, "This
could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Of course, Fred had come in quickly after that, but George still kept thinking of Lee as more
his best friend than theirs. And he really hated it sometimes when Fred and Lee were off
doing things without him.

I saw him first, dammit.

"George! What are you moping about?" He blinked at Lee, who had somehow appeared in
the chair next to him.

"Oh, nothing. Where's Fred?"

Lee shrugged. "He said something about Alicia and skipped off." He made a face. "But not
before gloating about how great it was to kiss her and bla bla bla."
George grinned a little. "You too, huh?"

"Me too what?"

"He's been giving me hell gloating about the fact that he's kissed someone and I haven't."

"Oh, yeah. Same here. He's a right bastard sometimes. Can we kill him?"

"Well, he's still my brother. I would kind of miss him if he were dead. Although," smiling his
most brilliant smile at Lee. "We could just take away his reason to be a bastard."

Lee looked at him, snickered. "Smooth, George." But he leaned over anyway, and he wasn't
smooth, either, but clumsy and awkward could be nice as well, George decided.

I got him first.

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