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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. identifies different kinds of notes and rests symbols

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Notes and Rests Symbol

Materials: flashcard, visual aids

Value Focus: cooperation

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s

a. Prayer

Let’s us all rise and pray the “OUR FATHER”.


b. Greetings

Good morning class

Okay, please all sit down.

c. Checking Attendance

We will check your Attendance.

Say present as I call yoiur name.

d. Drill
Showing Flashcard.

e. Motivation
( song kids)

F. Discussion
 Music is made up of different kinds of notes and rests to
represent duration of sounds and silence. They
are used in making compositions.
 Notes are symbols for sounds in music and rests are symbols
for silence.
Kinds of Notes and Rests
 Do you know how songwriters create a
composition? If you are going to compose a song,
how will you make it? In writing a song, a
songwriter uses notes and rests and places them on a staff along
with other music symbols.

Chart 1- Different kinds of Notes and Rests

G. Activity

1. How many kinds of notes/rests are there in the chart?

2. What are the kinds of notes?
3. What are the kinds of rests?
4. What kind of note has a shaded note head, stem and tail?
5. What is the value of a whale note/rest?
6. What kind of note/rest receives 1/4 of a beat?
7. What kind of note/rest receives 2 beats?
8. What kind of note/rest receives 1 beat?
9. If a half rest has two beats, how many quarter rests are there to
1 half rest?

H. Abstraction
 Notes and rests are music symbols on a staff that designate
when to play and when not to play.
 Notes on a staff represent what pitch to play and for how
 Notes and rests have specific value or number of beats.
I. Application

J. Generalization

IV. Evaluation

Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. _________note receives on fourth of a beat?
a. Eight c. Quarter
b. Half d. Sixteenth
2. How many beats of silence a sixteenth rest receives?
a. 4 c. 1
b. 2 d. 1/4
3. How many bears are there in a combination of quarter note and a half note?
a. One beat c. three beats
b. Two beats d. four beats
4. Which of the following rests receives four beats of silence?
a. Eighth rest c. Sixteenth rest
b. Quarter rest d. Whole rest
5. What note receives 2 beats?
a. Eighth note c. quarter note
b. Half note d. sixteenth note

V. Assignment
Study your notes because tomorrow we will have a short quiz

Thank you and Good bye Class.

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