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Advantages of online learning.

Online learning provides flexibility to the
learners in terms of when and where they can
study. Learner can access learning materials
and lectures at any time that suits him/ her,
which allows to fit their studies around other
commitments, work and priorities in their life
and family.

Another advantage of online learning is
reduced financial costs. Online Education is far
more affordable as compared to physical
learning. This is because online learning
eliminates the cost points of student
Transportation, student meals, and most
importantly their accomodation. Additionally,
all the course or study materials are available
online, t is more affordable thand traditional
learning method.

3. Improved Student Attendance Since online

classes can be taken from home or location of
their choice there is very lesser chance that
they will miss the lecture.

4.Accessibility Of Education has increased

It also allows schools to reach out to a more
extensive network of students, instead of
being restricted by geographical boundaries
which has been possible due to increased
internet connectivity.
Online learning offers teachers an efficient way
to deliver lessons to students. Online learning
has a number of tools such as videos, PDFs,
podcasts, and teachers can use all these tools
as part of their lesson Plans. By extending the
lesson plan beyond traditional textbooks to
include online resources, teachers are able to
become more efficient educators.
6.Education has become more interesting
Online learning uses modern technologies
such as videos, animations, gamifications and
other interactive elements which helps
students grasp the concepts easily and makes
things interesting for the learners.
7.Made learning possible for people with
physical disabilities
Those people who are physically challenged
for whom the traditional learning is not
possible now they can easily learn as per their

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