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Phases of the menstrual cycle

Our menstrual cycle is the series of hormone-driven events that prepares our
body to get pregnant and carry a baby. This cycle follows a process that’s
divided into four distinct phases:


This is the first, but also in some ways the last, phase of menstrual cycle. It’s
when the thickened lining of uterus sheds during monthly period. Menstruation
can last from three to seven days, depending on the length of cycle.

Follicular phase

This starts on the first day of menstrual period and ends when you start to
ovulate. During this phase, the egg-containing pods called follicles ripen and
one of the eggs matures.


This phase happens when the ovary releases that mature egg down the
fallopian tube on its way to fertilization. This is the shortest phase of the cycle,
lasting just 24 hours.

Luteal phase

In this phase, the follicle that released the egg produces hormones that
thicken and ripen the uterus to ready it for pregnancy.
Every woman’s menstrual cycle is unique. The length of each cycle and its
phases can vary based on age and other factors.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, it can help to know whether follicular and luteal
phases are long or short, and when in menstrual cycle they happen. Problems
with these phases could affect fertility. Let’s take a closer look at the follicular

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