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Model answer:

1- What were Tom’s magical words for Michael?

Tom’s magical words for Michael were “Hello, Cherub”, “Well, bless your heart” and “Not
many children are like you. You are special. “
2- How did Michael and David spend the day in London?
Michael and David visited many places in London. First, they went to the zoo, they liked
the monkeys best but the tigers and lions were also really interesting. Then they went to
Hyde Park; they went on a boat and had so much fun moving the boat. Finally, they went
to the National History Museum where they saw lots of dinosaurs and all kinds of
insects. There was a little piece of the moon.
3- “Well, it stops me feeling lonely you know.” Comment.

This was said by Tom, the old man to Michael when Michael asked him about why he
always sat there. Tom felt much better sitting on a bench and getting to meet people
and know them instead of being lonely by himself.

4- “When we meet people, it is like looking at a photograph.” Comment

This was said by Michael to himself when he thought about Tom; for Michael, Tom was
just an old man sitting on a bench. Tom realized that when he met someone, it was like
looking at a photograph for that person. He didn’t have a full picture of his life.
Michael saw Tom as an old man because he didn’t know Tom when he was young.
Everyone has a story.

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