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Practice set 1

1. Write a program for the addition of Two Numbers.

2. Write a program to Find the Average of Three Numbers.
3. Write a program to Calculate Sum of 5 Subjects and Find Percentage (Max
Mark in each subject is 100).
4. Write a program to Calculate Area of Circle.
5. Write a program to Calculate Area of Rectangle.
6. Write a program to Convert Fahrenheit temperature in to Celsius.
7. Write a program to swap the values of two variables.
8. In the year 2001 Shreya was10 years old .Write the program calculate the
age of Shreya in year 2021.


9. a. Multiply the two numbers where you take the input from user and then
print the result. b. Calculate the age in months.


Prepared By: Pragati Gupta

Trainer (Galgotias University )
YouTuber( catch the code)

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