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College of Business and Economics

Department: Accounting and Finance
Dissertation Title Submission Form
September 15, 2023
Program: PhD
Proposed Proposed
No. Name of Student Proposed Title for PhD Dissertation
Principal Advisor Co-Advisor
A novel approach for evaluating the factors that
affected the profitability of Islamic Banking system
Professor Merouane Lakehal- Ezezew (PhD),
(GCC countries) under using dynamic panel data Ayat Associate Professor
econometrics (Utilizing GMM system.) of Economics.
1 Abdinassir Ali Abdi

2 Manchilot Tilahun Kassie

3 Matuselam Simegnew Tenaw

4 Melkamu Dessie Tamiru

5 Mengistu Nega Lakew

6 Tesfaw Alemu Altaseb

1. Prepare a concept note to be submitted as of September 15, 2023.
2. Propose one active Principal Advisor having an academic rank of Associate professor and above from anywhere.
3. Propose one active Co-Advisor from BDU. Assistant professors having a PhD degree can be a co-advisor.
4. You can use the staff list in the next page for selection of advisors in addition to your personal network.
5. Fill in the proposed title and advisors and submit this form and the concept note not later than September 15, 2023.
6. If a student fails to submit a synopsis on the deadline, he may be denied for the registration for the first semester of the second year.
7. A student who submits a synopsis but unable to propose advisors will accept the advisor assigned by the department.

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