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Cardio I: Shock, CHF, HTN, ACS Cheat Sheet

by ksellybelly via

Shock ACS (Acute Coronary Syndromes) Orthos​tas​is/​Pos​tural Hypote​nsion

Definition Definition Definition

Severe cardio​vas​cular failure caused by Spectrum of problems ranging from >20mmHg drop in systolic pressure
poor blood flow or inadequate distri​‐ unstable angina to MI between supine and sitting &/or standing
bution of flow measur​ements
Classified into 2 types
1) Hypovo​lemic Shock ST-ele​vated and Non-ST​-el​evated Etiology
Hemorr​hage, fluid loss, loss of plasma or events May be related to reduced cardiac
electr​olytes. All result in decreased output, paroxysmal cardiac dysrhy​‐
Most common etiology of MI
intrav​ascular volume. Caused by thmias, low blood volume, medica​tions,
Preexi​sting athero​scl​erotic plaque​-->​thr​‐
obvious loss or subtle third-​space and various metabolic and endocrine
ombus format​ion​-->​pro​longed
seques​tra​tion. disorders
myocardial ischem​ia-​->MI
2) Cardio​genic Shock A reversible cause of syncope and major
What is a common cause of death in MI
MI, dysrhy​thmias, heart failure, valve/​‐ cause of falls in this population
patients before they can get to hospital?
septal failure, HTN, myocar​ditis, cardiac Elderly
contusion, septum rupture, myocar​dio​‐
If the cause is depleted blood volume
pathies Clinical features
then there will also be a rise in pulse of
3) Obstru​ctive Shock **Chest pain (most common), sweating,
more than 15 bpm when testing orthos​‐
anxiety, weakness, dyspnea, light-​hea​‐
Tension PTX, perica​rdial tamponade, tatics
ded​ness, syncope, N/V, fever
obstru​ctive valvular disorder, pulmonary
If there is no change in pulse accomp​anying
embolism EKG changes
the change in BP
4) Distri​butive Shock (poorly regulated Acute MI: progre​ssion from peaked T-
then consider CNS disease or peripheral
distri​bution of blood volume) wave​s--​>ST​-de​gment elevat​ion​/de​pre​‐
ssi​on-​->Q​-wa​ve-​->T​-wave inversions
Septic shock, SIRS (signs of systemic
(hours​-days) Labs and Treatment
inflam​mation w/out end-organ damage),
Directed at the specific cause
anaphy​laxis, neurogenic shock **One of the most sensitive tests to quantify
extent of infarction
Clinical features
Ischemic Heart Disease
MRI w/ gadolinium
Hypote​nsion + Tachyc​ardia (also AMS,
orthos​tatic changes, metabolic acidosis, Treatm​ent​--all patients
Charac​terized by insuff​icient oxygen
insulin resist​ance, oligur​ia/​anuria, IV fluids + O2 + NO + pain management
supply to cardiac muscle
peripheral hypope​rfu​sion) +/- benzo + anti platel​et/​ant​ico​agu​lation +
B-blockers +/- CCBs Etiology
Sign of end-organ hypope​rfusion
Treatm​ent​--ACS + STEMI 1) **Athe​ros​cle​rotic narrowing (most
Cool or mottle extrem​ities, and weak
common). 2) Constr​iction of coronary
("th​rea​dy") or absent peripheral pulses Reperf​usion intere​ntion: aspirin + clopid​‐
arteries. 3) (Rare) congen​ital, emboli,
Treatment ogrel, coronary angiog​raphy w/in 90 min,
arteritis, dissection
thromb​olytic therapy, statin therapy
1) ABCs. 2) Treat the underlying cause.
Risk Factors
3) T-Burg maximizes brain perfusion 4)
Metabolic syndrome, male, older age,
O2 + IV fluids 5) Urine output at least 0.5
smoking, FmHx, HTN, DM, low-es​trogen
mL/kg/hr 6) Cardiac monitoring and
state, abdominal obesity, inacti​vity,
central venous pressure 7) Pressors
dyslip​idemia, EtOH, low fruits​/ve​ggies
(Dopamine, etc.) will increase GFR,
contra​cti​lity, HR

By ksellybelly Published 23rd July, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 11th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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Cardio I: Shock, CHF, HTN, ACS Cheat Sheet
by ksellybelly via

Ischemic Heart Disease (cont) CHF (cont) Hypert​ension

Metabolic Syndrome is 3 or more of: Etiologies of these changes Primary HTN

abdominal obesity, Tri>150, HDL<40​‐ MI, perica​rdial disorders, valvular Causes 95% of cases of HTN; multif​act​‐
men​<50​women, fasting sugar>110, HTN disorders, congenital abnorm​ali​ties, and orial pathog​enesis (genetics, salt,
non cardiac causes (high-​output heart obesity, RAAS, NSAIDs, smoking, lack
Clinical Features
failure from thyrot​oxi​cosis or severe of exercise, metabolic syndrome)
Angina pectoris (chest squeez​ing​/pr​‐
essure, can radiate, <3m​in.), three types: Secondary HTN
CHF adversely affects coarc. of aorta, RAS, chronic steroids,
1) Stable Angina
Left atrial pressure + cardiac output Cushings syndrome, pregnancy, thyroid
Exacer​bated by physical activity,
and parath​yroid disease, primary
relieved by rest Clinical features of LEFT-sided failure
hypera​ldo​ste​ronism, parenc​hymal renal
Exertional dyspnea, non-pr​odu​ctive
2) Prinzm​etal's (Variant) Angina dz)
cough, fatigue, orthopnea, PND, basilar
Caused by vasospasm at rest, exercise Essential HTN is exacer​bated in this
rales, gallops, exercise intole​rance
capacity preserved population
Clinical features of RIGHT-​sided failure
3) Unstable Angina Males, blacks, sedentary people,
Distended neck veins, hepatic conges​‐
Increasing pattern of pain in previously smokers
tion, nausea, dependent pitting edema,
stable patients. Occurs at rest or with Hypert​ensive urgency def.
*edema + hepato​megaly, (R-sided failure
often caused by L-sided failure) Must bring down BP within hours
Levine's Sign
Other symptoms of CHF Hypert​ensive emergency def.
Clenched fist over sternums and
Nocturia, cold/c​lammy skin, hypote​nsion, Must bring down BP within 1 hour to
clenched teeth
narrow pulse pressure, S3 gallop prevent end-organ damage​/death
How to relieve angina
CXR signs Malignant hypert​ension def.
Sublingual nitrog​lycerin
Kerley B lines (aka inters​titial edema) Elevated BP + papill​edema + enceph​‐
EKG Findings alo​pat​hy/​nep​hro​pathy. In untrea​ted​-->​‐
Horizontal or downsl​oping ST-segment pro​gre​ssive renal failure.
1) Thiazide or Loop diuretic + ACEi. 2)
depression Compli​cations of untreated HTN
CCB (amlod​ipine). 3) Antico​agu​lants or
Treatment antiar​rhy​thmics 4) Pacers​/di​fib​ril​lators 5) Cardio​vas​cular dz, cerebr​ova​scular dz,
Lifestyle changes, NO, nitrates, B-bloc​‐ Coronary revasc​ula​riz​ati​on/​tra​nsplant dementia, renal dz, aortic dissec​tion, and
kers, CCB, Ranola​zine, ASA/Cl​opi​digrel, athero​scl​erotic compli​cations
revasc​ula​riz​ation EKG Locations Diagnostic criter​ia-​-es​sential HTN
Inferior II, III, aVF Systolic >140 OR Diastolic >90 on 3 diff.
Posterior V1, V2 occasions
Antero​septal V1, V2 Diagnostic criter​ia-​-hy​per​tensive urgency
Clinical syndrome: dyspnea + water/​‐
Anterior V1, V2, V3 Systolic >220 OR Diastolic >125
sodium retention
Antero​lateral V4, V5, V6 Diagnostic criter​ia-​-hy​per​tensive emergency
Results from changes in 1+ of the following
Diastolic >130 + papill​edema
Contra​ctile ability of heart muscle,
preload and after load of the ventricle,
and heart rate

By ksellybelly Published 23rd July, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 11th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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Cardio I: Shock, CHF, HTN, ACS Cheat Sheet
by ksellybelly via

Hypert​ension (cont)

Compli​cations of hypert​ensive emergency

Hypert​ensive enceph​alo​pathy, nephro​‐
pathy, intrac​ranial bleeding, aortic
dissec​tion, preecl​amp​sia​/ec​lam​psia,
pulmonary edema, unstable angina, MI

1) DASH diet/l​ife​styles change​s/s​moking
cessation. 2) Diuretics (*HCTZ). 3) Beta
blockers 4) ACEi 5) ARB 6) CCB

Treatm​ent​--HTN urgenc​y/e​mer​gency
Parenteral agents, but don't lower BP too
fast. Use NO, B-bloc​kers, hydrazine,
loops, clonidine, nifedipine

By ksellybelly Published 23rd July, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 11th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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