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CENTROID (the geometric center of the area)

In mathematics and physics, the centroid is the point that, it is defined by the arithmetic
mean position of all the points in the surface of the shape.

The centroid is a point of a cross-section or profile that represents the center of mass (for
uniformly distributed density). It’s the point at which the entire area of the section can be assumed to be

If a force is applied at that point, it will produce the same effect on the section as if the force
were distributed uniformly across the entire area of the section.

The Centroid of a section is important for the calculation of the Moment of Inertia and Section
Modulus of cross-sections. These are 2 important properties used in structural design of elements
such as beams, columns and slabs.
 Moment of Inertia is a significant factor of beam deflection (the greater the Ix, the lower
deflection will be)
 Section modulus is a property of an object that indicates how well the object can resist bending
or deformation under external loading.

Also, Centroids of areas are useful for the analysis of torsion in shafts.

Table: Centroids of Some Common Shapes

Calculation of the centroid of a section
1- By decomposing the area to a finite number of simpler areas
2- By using integration formulas

Example 1;
Calculate the centroid for the
given section.


Example 2;
Calculate the centroid of the given I-Beam section.


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