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Significance and Justification of the Study

The proponents focus on the convenient and electronic-technology way of

implementing grading system in the University. College of Engineering, Electronics
Engineering Students has difficulties in the manual way of checking and getting their
grades every after semester’s end.

Using the biometrics technology, finger print scanning


The ECE Students’ Grade Records’ Access using Visual Basic 6.0 Interface w/
Finger print scanner extent its application for the releasing and checking of grades
beneficial to the student’s precious time and access their grades not having difficulty in
manual transactions that is still implemented in the University. The College of
Engineering, Electronics Engineering Department developed database systems in
enrolling students more secured and accurate. Moreover, the proponents idea in
helping the system applying technology using visual basic as the language and
biometrics is the application creates a support develop and tested.

The scope of the study is for the access of the complete record grades every
semester, assuring the students of their lists records of subjects and status of grades.
The system’s security has high standard of security for the student’s identity and the
administration can only change and justify specific grades for a specific subject. Finger
print scanner recognizes the system ability to utilize and saturate capacity as long as
the programmer manipulate the database program develop.

Research Design

The proponents accumulate the research information by the help of online

websites, electronic books and others helpful references. Other books in visual basic
6.0 support some functions uses in the application and data base system. Other tutorial
videos and materials facilitate the improvement of the study.

1. Depending on the location of the installer (CD or other device), find the setup.exe

2. Follow the instructions on each window to continue the installation.

3. To finish the installation, the computer needs to restart for the installation to take effect.

To enable the program to access the database, ODBC is used.

1. In the Control Panel, look for the ODBC icon.

2. Create a new data source in the System DNS tab. We use the System DNS since a System data
source is visible to all users of a machine.
In the System DNS tab, click the Add button.

3. In the new window, select the driver for which you want to set up a data source. Select Microsoft
Access Driver (*.mdb) and click finish.
4. In the new window, type in the desired Data Source Name. In this set – up, use “sdb” as the Data
Source Name. Then press the select button in the Database Field.

5. Find the location of the database. Select the database then press OK button.

6. After selecting the database, the address will appear in the database field. Then Press OK button.
7. The created Data Source will now appear in the System Data Source Field. The data source can
now be used in the Visual Basic program.

1. In the programs folder, open the Project “Project1.vbp”

2. Press F5 or click Start to run the program. Then, follow the instructions provided in the forms in order to
access ECE student’s grades.

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