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Sayjin Dhaliwal

September 14th 2023

1: My preferred name is Jin but call me whatever you want

2: He/Him or whatever you want

3: I like talking about genocides and atrocities committed by us, no matter how disturbing
they may be.

4: Caring, Creative, Committed, Awkward, Insightful

5: I don’t know the story of my name, all I know is that it originates from Indonesia

6: People’s lack of self realisation, people tend to be content with only the opinions of others
but not with themselves. How could a person be happy if they don’t accept themselves? I
struggle with this as well so I’m not acting like I’m some perfect saint.

7: I tend to hallucinate due to psychosis, I’m not schizophrenic as far as I or my stupid

psychiatrist is concerned. I’m told its due to stress and other things, so if I start to zone out or
rapidly changing feelings towards something, then you would know why. It gets hard to
differentiate between whats real and whats not so I apologize if I end up ignoring my name
being called.

8: Staying on top of homework, I tend to forget what is considered homework and whats not.

9: I had a teacher that gave me freedom to either showcase or present a project in any way I
would like, whether that would be a powerpoint or an essay. I understand that some
assignments may have to have more strict parameters but all I ask is for creative freedom to
deal with a problem when possible.

10: No worries other than potentially bringing up bad memories.

11: It depends on the work.

12: In a class like this, I believe my phone won’t be a problem.

13: To pass

14: I can see dead people, just kidding. I’m not sure what would be awesome about me.

15: I’m a quick learner.

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