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TASK 1 ARTICLE :Your country is bidding to host the Olympic Games. Some see the Games as an
exciting opportunity to showcase the country to the world. Others view the Games as a wasteful
investment of government funds. Write an article for a local news website explaining your opinion on
the issue. How would the Games affect your country? Include at least one piece of information above
to support your opinion

II. The Exciting Opportunity

A. Global Exposure and Tourism Boost
1. Hosting the Olympics provides a unique platform to showcase your country's culture, heritage, and beauty
to a global audience.
2. An influx of tourists during the Games can boost the local economy, benefiting businesses and creating

B. Infrastructural Development
1. Hosting the Olympics often leads to significant investments in infrastructure, including transportation,
venues, and accommodations, which can benefit the host city in the long term.
2. These new or upgraded facilities can become lasting assets for the community, attracting future events and

C. National Pride and Unity

1. Hosting the Olympics can instill a sense of national pride and unity, bringing citizens together to support
their athletes and showcase their country on the world stage.
2. The Games can inspire future generations and promote a sense of belonging and identity.

III. The Wasteful Investment

A. Cost Overruns and Budget Issues
1. Many past host cities have experienced cost overruns, leading to financial strain on their governments.
2. It's crucial to consider the potential for unexpected expenses and budget mismanagement.

B. Redirecting Funds from Essential Public Services

1. Critics argue that the enormous budget required for the Olympics could be better spent on improving
education, healthcare, or infrastructure.
2. Prioritizing the Games over critical public services can be a contentious issue.

C. Long-Term Economic Impact

1. Some studies suggest that the long-term economic benefits of hosting the Olympics are often exaggerated,
with host cities experiencing limited economic growth after the Games.
2. Analyzing the economic impact beyond the event itself is essential for a balanced assessment.

IV. The Environmental Impact

A. Construction-Related Environmental Damage
1. The construction of Olympic venues and infrastructure can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and
soil and water pollution.
2. Sustainable building practices and environmental mitigation efforts are essential.

B. Transportation Challenges and Increased Carbon Footprint

1. The influx of visitors and athletes can strain local transportation systems, leading to increased traffic
congestion and air pollution.
2. Developing efficient transportation solutions and promoting eco-friendly practices are crucial.

C. Waste Management Issues

1. Large-scale events generate significant waste, and proper waste management during and after the Games
is essential to minimize environmental harm.
2. Emphasize the importance of recycling, reducing waste, and leaving a minimal environmental footprint.

V. The Perspective of Infrastructure

A. Modernized Sports Facilities and Transportation Networks
1. Hosting the Olympics can accelerate the development of world-class sports facilities and improved
transportation networks.
2. These developments can attract other major events and enhance the city's overall infrastructure.

B. Long-Term Benefits for Residents

1. Improved infrastructure can enhance the quality of life for residents long after the Games are over.
2. Accessibility, transportation, and recreational facilities can provide lasting benefits.

C. Post-Olympic Facility Usage

1. Discuss the importance of having a clear plan for post-Olympic use of facilities to avoid white elephant
2. Examples of successful repurposing of Olympic venues can demonstrate the potential for long-term

TASK 2 ESSAY: International sporting events bring people of different nations together some people
believe these events help to ease international tensions. Others believe they can inflame nationalist
sentiment and increase potential for conflict. What do you think? Write an essay addressing this issue
and explaining your opinion. Include at least one piece of information given above to support your

II. The Easing of International Tensions

A. Historical Examples of Diplomacy
1. Mention historical cases where sporting events have facilitated diplomatic breakthroughs, such as the 1971
"Ping Pong Diplomacy" between the U.S. and China.
2. Highlight how sports can serve as a bridge between nations, encouraging dialogue and cooperation.

B. Fostering Mutual Understanding

1. Emphasize the power of sports in breaking down cultural and linguistic barriers.
2. Discuss how interactions among athletes and fans from different nations can lead to greater empathy and
mutual respect.

III. The Potential for Inflaming Nationalism

A. Nationalistic Displays in Sports
1. Provide examples of nationalistic displays, such as flag-waving, chants, or provocative gestures, during
international sporting events.
2. Explain how such displays can escalate tensions and detract from the intended spirit of competition.

B. Political Protests and Boycotts

1. Discuss instances where athletes or countries have used international sporting events as a platform for
political protests or boycotts.
2. Examine how these actions can strain diplomatic relations and create controversies.

IV. The Role of Sports Diplomacy

A. Promoting Dialogue and Understanding
1. Explain how sports diplomacy encourages nations to engage in conversations beyond the sporting arena.
2. Highlight the importance of Track II diplomacy, where informal exchanges during sporting events can lay
the groundwork for official talks.
B. Examples of Successful Diplomacy
1. Present examples where sports diplomacy has led to positive outcomes, such as improved relations
between North and South Korea during the Winter Olympics.
2. Discuss how initiatives like the Olympic Truce embody the potential for diplomacy through sports.

V. Case Studies
A. Successful Diplomacy Cases
1. Share a case where international sporting events played a pivotal role in easing tensions between two
2. Analyze the factors that contributed to the success of diplomacy in that case.

B. Conflict Escalation Cases

1. Present a case where international sporting events led to increased nationalism or conflict between nations.
2. Examine the underlying reasons and consequences of this escalation.

VI. The Balance between Unity and Rivalry

A. Personal Perspective
1. Offer your perspective on whether international sporting events are more likely to promote unity or
exacerbate nationalist sentiments.
2. Consider the nuances and complexities of each situation.

B. Responsible Participation
1. Stress the importance of athletes, fans, and officials acting responsibly during international sporting
2. Advocate for a focus on sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for all participants.

VII. Conclusion
A. Recap the main points of your essay.
B. Restate your opinion on whether international sporting events primarily ease international tensions or fuel

VIII. Call to Action

A. Encourage readers to reflect on the role of sports in international relations.
B. Suggest that individuals and nations can contribute to peaceful coexistence by using sports as a platform
for diplomacy and understanding.

IX. Additional Resources

A. Provide links to academic studies, articles, or organizations dedicated to sports diplomacy.
B. Mention upcoming international sporting events or diplomatic initiatives that readers can follow to stay

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