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Project 3 Rationale

When completing project 3, I decided to use Prezi to make a very appealing presentation toward
the target audience of younger kids and teenagers. While my topic is very important to adults,
adults in today’s generation aren’t using social media apps all day, every day, like most kids are.
Social media does have its benefits, but it also can cause numerous amounts of issues as more
and more kids are getting attached and addicted to the use of these image-based apps. To make
my presentation more kid friendly, I thought the best way to do this was to add pictures and
colors to make it more appealing to the eye for a target audience like children. When creating the
background of my Prezi, I thought deeply about the results I got from the Reddit communities on
my topic and concluded that there were a lot more negative comments toward the effects of
social media than positive. With this idea, I chose the background that I did, because the mostly
all black represents how a big portion of social media has caused issues, problems, and
devastations to our society. Even though it is mostly black indicating the destructive effects,
there are pops of colorful lines within the blackness that represent some of the positive aspects of
social media within society like marketing, advertising, and connections. In addition to the
background, since my topic is more of a serious issue, I wanted to depict my presentation in a
lighter mood/scene by adding fun cartoon pictures with vibrant colors. For example, I added
cartoon pictures like cell phones, the reddit robot logo and many other pictures that help reduce
the seriousness of the issue and make it more fun to learn about. In my Prezi, there are a lot of
words on each slide. While I could have limited the number of words, I think the information is
very important and even kids should be knowledgeable on this subject as technology is becoming
a bigger part of our lives as the generations carry on. Technology and social media apps have
become such a big part of our lives now, that it’s important for people to be aware of the
potential issues that people can have. In addition to colorful cartoon images, I also used a GIF or
an animated image to show how people can feel once negatively affected by social media.
Although social media is meant to be positive and aims to help connect people together through
an online network, people often do misuse these apps and often people end up getting hurt
mentally. While my Prezi does aim toward the audience of children, I do think that it would be
very important for adults or parents to read a presentation like this so they also are aware of the
issues their own kids could possibly have. In addition, they would be more knowledgeable on
what social media can potentially lead to, before letting their kids create different social media
accounts. My presentation can be read by both adults and kids and would be very beneficial to
both, however, I did aim my target audience toward kid’s as they are the ones being affected
more and more in today’s generation.

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