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Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2023

PS1 Student Name____Bailey Yanke____________ School __Nicholas Sheran Elementary__

Inquiry: How can I effectively get students to engage with their schoolwork when they are resistant?

Professional Goal #1
Encourage students to attempt their schoolwork, even if their attempts are wrong.

My practicum class has a few students who do not attempt their individual work. They require extensive 1-on-1 focus to get
them to even attempt their work. These students require such a high degree of attention that it detracts from other students
—as such, either the rest of class or this handful of students slightly suffer depending on who I focus on.

Teacher Quality Standard:

1(a): acting consistently with fairness, respect and integrity
2(c): building capacity to support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments
4(b): using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’ strengths, learning challenges and
areas for growth
4(c): recognizing and responding to specific learning needs of individual or small groups of students and, when needed,
collaborating with service providers and other specialists to design and provide targeted and specialized supports to enable
achievement of the learning outcomes

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Employ different strategies to Resistant students begin completing their work

encourage students to attempt their Ongoing at a higher frequency.
work without direct intervention

Assess success of employed

strategies to adjust and reimplement Ongoing
as needed
Reflection Midround:
Reflection End of Practicum:

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