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. Identify Rhyme Scheme For each verse, write letters next to the lines so that the rhyme scheme is labelled. Remember to always look for rhyming words at the END of the line. Halloween is when we meet, wearing costumes on the street. We will ask for something sweet, — when we come to trick-or-treat! — There was a little Polliwog— His name was Taddy Pole. He lived within a little bog, beside a crawfish hole. If you've tried and have not won, Never stop for crying; — All that’s great and good is done Just by patient trying. Last night | saw upon the stair a little man who wasn’t there. He wasn't there again today; Oh, how | wish he’d go away! | wish | had two little mouths Like my two hands and feet— A little mouth to talk with And one that just could eat. In the heart of a seed, Buried deep, so deep, A dear little plant Lay fast asleep!

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