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If you should live by one simple principle in

life, I would like to suggest it be this: Do what

makes you happy.
Seriously, because, in finding and doing that
which makes you happy, you will attract more to be
happy about.
The positive energy you put out, by doing the
things that truly make you happy, attracts more
positive energy back to you.
So, it makes perfect sense,to eliminate or reduce
everything that makes you unhappy. anything that
gives you negative feelings, and replace those things
with more of the things that make you feel alive
joyful, abundant, happy and free.
Here are 5 simple tips to bring more happiness
into your life.
If you do all 5, on a consistent basis, you will
soon be living an amazing, truly fulfilled life.
The first is to spend time with people who are
good for your mental health.
Second is to choose to see the good the lesson or
the blessing in everything.
Third is to live your way. Follow your intuition
and to not feel guilty for doing things your own way.
Fourth is to take care of yourself. Your physical,
mental and spiritual health.
And finally the fifth is to believe trust and let

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