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Good morning everyone,my name is Sim Yi Lin

from class 3 Mutiara.Today im going to present

on why we should take up a hobby.I have 5
reasons why we should take up a hobby.
First, you can spend your time doing
something you would enjoy to do.Hobbies are
more than just a way to spend your time.
Hobbies also bring incredible benefits,
including improving your mental health and
growing your skill set. But another more
apparent benefit is that enjoying a hobby allows
you to appreciate and find pleasure in your free
Secondly,you will challence yourself and
grow in the process.One of the best parts about
taking up a hobby, mainly a new one, is the
opportunity to learn something new. Challenging
your mind and body grows your skills and mindset
and helps you continue to develop as a person.Of
course, you can engage in a hobby that you
already know and are comfortable with. Maybe it's
something you've already been doing for many
years. But you're still learning new things by
refining your craft or gathering more profound
thirdly, hobbies can help you to take care
of your metal health.Engaging in hobbies and
leisurely activities can improve your mood,
confidence, and self-esteem. Adopting a new
hobby is fantastic for enhancing your daily
life and strengthening your mental health.

fourthly you will feel less stress.It's
pretty normal for everyone to feel some sort
of stress during their life. So many aspects of
our lives demand a huge chunk of our
attention, and it can start to feel pretty
overwhelming after a while.Hobbies are a
great way to reduce stress and provide a
sense of happiness and accomplishment in
your life. Too much stress in your life can also
negatively affect your mental health.

last you will find purpose and freedom in your
free time. It's more than normal to feel a bit of
boredom occasionally, or even a lot of boredom
(like when we were all stuck inside during
COVID-19). It's also normal to sometimes not
have a clue what to fill your extra time
with.Maybe it's just a matter of motivation,
where you have something in mind, but it's not
enough to make you genuinely want to do
it.When you find a hobby you truly connect with
and appreciate, you can feel excited to partake
in it. When you once would have spent your time
being bored and idle, now your time can go
towards something that actually benefits
you!And with certain hobbies, you can even sign
up for a subscription to remind you to take care
of yourself.

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