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Brainstorm Transcription Locations

As noted in the lecture, there are many needs for transcription.

Online there are many transcription companies, who offer varying work through
the contracts they acquire. However, if you prefer to work locally, or would like a
few places to transcribe (so maybe some online and some offline) you should take
a little time to think about who could need your services. Some ideas:
- Local college students record lectures and would like them transcribed (in
fact, the professors themselves may need your services)
- Your town or city government has meetings to be transcribed
- Local writers dictating their work, and need it transcribed
- The local media has interviews to be transcribed

Online options will covered in this course further on, but for now, think about
where you live, who you know, and who might need your services. Brainstorm
now, make some notes, and then revisit this list once you are set-up and ready to
hunt for some clients!



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