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A Frog in a Well

Alice Schertle, an American, has written more than 40 books, most of which are for children. Her
poems for children explore themes of nature. She is a recipient of the Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry
Award and the Christopher Award. A Frog in a Well explains the world is a poem that describes the
world of a frog that lives in a well.

Understanding the Poem

A. 1. round, deep and cool

2. pool

3. stone

4. little and round

B. 1. The speaker is the frog. We know this because of the word “I” in the poem.

2. The speaker is in a well. These lines in the poem tells us that: “The world is round … stone on

3. The speaker thinks the world is a small place—it is round and deep, with water in the bottom and
it is made up of stone. This is because the speaker is or lives in a well.

4. Yes, the speaker is sure he/she is right. The lines in the poem or the speaker’s words show no
doubt in the speaker’s mind.

Enjoying the Poem

Cool-pool, alone-stone, high-sky

Going Further

I will tell the frog that the world is a very big and beautiful place, with many things to do and places
to see..

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