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Hey, folks, welcome

to Designing High Availability,

Fault Tolerance, and Disaster Recovery with AWS Services.
So this is mini course number 4 in our learning path
for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam.
And when we talk about highly available
and fault-tolerant systems, Auto Scaling
and Auto Scaling deployment concepts
is certainly a big player in AWS.
And we'll go pretty deep on Auto Scaling,
deployment concept scaling policies, termination policies,
suspending Auto Scaling processes,
and last, but certainly not least, lifecycle hooks.
And when we think about loosely coupled systems,
what can help us with that?
Well, Auto Scaling with SQS queues can help us with that.
We'll take a look at ECS deployments
and anytime we talk about ECS in AWS, think Docker.
So we'll be taking a look at Docker
and ECS and Elastic Beanstalk, again,
as it relates to Docker single-container
and multi-container deployments,
and we even have a section--high availability,
fault tolerance, and disaster recovery.
We'll talk about such things as Multi-AZ
and even multi-region, multi-account architectures,
single sign-on, provisioning at scale.
Think about CloudFormation stack sets,
so provisioning resources over multiple regions
and even multiple accounts.
What about other ways we can achieve high availability?
Think about Route 53, certainly for disaster recovery
and rerouting resources to another region.
We'll look at CloudFront and finally,
we'll take a look at database high availability,
fault tolerance, and disaster recovery,
such things as RDS cross-region failover.
And in addition to RDS concepts, we'll go pretty deep
on DynamoDB and the concepts surrounding NoSQL databases.
And certainly don't underestimate this mini course.
Of course, Auto Scaling is the big player
in this mini course,
and you'll certainly see Auto Scaling concepts
and deployment on the exam.
So with all that said, let's go ahead and knock out
Designing High Availability, Fault Tolerance,
and Disaster Recovery with AWS Services.

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