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Questions on
AWS Support plans - 3 to 4
EC2 - 4 to 5 spot instances, dedicated hosts, autoscaling, load balancer
AWS Shield - 3
AWS S3 - 6 – versioning, static webhost, storage classes,
AWS CloudFormation - 1
AWS Organization - 1
AWS Cloudfront - 1
5 pillar architecture - 3 to 4 —- performance efficiency, operational excellence, cost optimization
Shared responsibilities - 4 to 5
AWS Device Farm - 1
Cost explorer - 1
Budgets - 1
Cost & usage reports - 1
RDS - 2 – mysql, aurora
Dynamodb -1
VPC - 2 to 3
IAM - 3 —- roles, policies, MFA
EFS -1
EBS - 1
AWS Kinesis - 1
AWS Cloudtrail - 1
Redshift - 1
AWS Datasync -1
VPC peering - 1
Learn concepts and understand depth in it. Practice well to avoid confusion and use elimination
process in confusion. Terminology document plays a key role to achieve.


Questions asked on
● First concentrate on cloud practitioner documents and terminology documents
● Concentrate on all aws services
● We concentrate on aws boys papers they asked 10 questions
● Some basic questions about ec2,s3,rds and more concentrate on s3 storage classes
table.they helped a lot
● Some confused question about vpc,cloud watch,cloud formation,five pillar and security &
compliance,and technology party.we have to concentrate more in this topics
● Security and compliance .they asked 6 to 7 questions
● Billing and pricing is also more concentrate.they asked 3 to 4 questions
● We concentrate on aws shield, ddos attack, aws kinesis, aws x-ray, code deploy,
code commit,aws glue ,ETL , these are small topics but we concentrate more.they asked
7 to 10 questions
very important .they asked 15 questions
● And supports plans ,billing concepts ,WAF .these concepts are more concentrate
● And aws organizations, WAF , aws config ,inspector, trusted advisor , cost
explorer, aws budgets, shared responsibility model ,direct connect , vpc
endpoints , peering , transfer acceleration , service health dashboard , artifact
, macie , kms , guard duty , sage maker , network acl , vpc flow logs
athena red shift aws batch , snow ball ,snow family , snow mobile , MFA


I get questions on these topics.

● Concentrate on More time Cloud practitioner practice papers, AWS Terminology
● Writing AWS boy exams is more helpful and Wrong answered questions read in
● Do more concentrate on EC2, S3 concepts & S3 clauses.
● Learn Pay-as-you go pricing,Global reach,elasticity,scalability.
● IAM - Groups,users,Roles,MFA and managed policies compared to custom policies.
● Concentrate on RDS, Dynamo db.
● And prepare for EBS, volumes,snapshots, EFS, Ddos concepts.
● Concentrate on ELB, Route53,Redshift,AWS Glue concepts.
● Basic questions on cloudwatch,cloud formation and Lambda.
● In VPC concept concentrate on VPC endpoints, VPC peering.
● Regarding Amazon Macie, Amazon inspector concepts will be asked direct questions.
● More time to concentrate on AWS 5 pillars.
● Learn on AWS Support plans : Basic,Developer,Business and Enterprise.
● Concentrate on Deployment models,service models and Regions, Availability Zones.
● Finally, 10 to 15 questions are tough in the AWS Cloud practitioner exam.

NOTE: I recommended More time to concentrate on AWS cloud partitioner practice papers,
AWS Terminology document.
And write frequently on the AWS boy exams, easily reaching a good score. It is very helpful for
the AWS Cloud partitioner exam.
Once you get confident on these topics you will definitely clear the Exam.

S.Pavani Chandana
—-Concentrate More On Aws Boys Questions, They Asked Around 10 Questions.
—-Security And Compliance They Asked The Questions Very Difficult Way Around 5-10
Questions I have faced Difficult.****Concentrate On This Security And Compliance.
—-Billing Concepts Also Somewhat Difficult.**Concentrate On This Also.
—Cloud Formation Basic Level They Asked Me.
—Concentrate On Sir’s Pdf.. We Can Get Some Questions.
—-Terminology Also Read Once.
—-5 Pillar Also We Can See The Questions.
—-S3,EC2,Auto Scaling,Cloud Frond,Lambda They Asked Basic Level Questions.
—-Elastic Beam Stack,RDS,Dynamodb,RedShift The Questions Like Intermediate Way.
★ Do Concentrate On Concepts Not Concentrate On Only Questions And Answers In That
Pdf And Aws Boys Too..
★ Learn Concepts Understand That First And Go For Questions Next.
★ Please Do Concentrate On Security And Cost One, I Have Faced Difficult Questions In
These Two Concepts Nearly 15-20 Questions, I Have Faced. From Them.

D. Aravind
● ***Do more concentrate on Terminology, Our Wissens Cloud practionary Question
papers PDFs and fundamentals in all services
● They asked Basic questions on pricing models & billing
● **And also asked some tricky questions on EC2, Auto scaling
● And also asked questions in support plans, cloud formation, Lambda, 5 pillared
● They asked basic questions on Cloud trail, Cloud watch, Cloud concepts
● Do more concentrate on RDBMS, S3, Snow family, Cloud front, VPC
● Go through Storage classes, Life cycle policies in s3
● And also be prepared in IAM, EFS, EBS, Snapshots, DDOS concepts,
● And get good knowledge in Deployment models and Service Models, Regions &
Availability zones
● Go through ELB, Route53, Security group concepts
● ***Finally do more practice the all AWS Boy papers thoroughly
● **The main task is to managing the time while writing exam why because the questions
are somewhat lengthy and tricky so we have to be careful on time

Chaman Shekhar
Questions asked from
*S3 storage - they asked about life cycle policy. And one question from scenario bases like
which storage class you preferred when there is extraction of data is limited to 2 times in a year.
*Ec2 - asked about EFS what type of AMI used. Autoscaling basic question, questions based on
client requirements based what type instance preferred.
*Ddos attack- asking about basic question about ddos.
*Elastic beanstalk - Question asked installation of Java programs on-premises
*Shield - asked about uses of advanced and shield
*Aws shared responsibility model- questions on responsibility of aws *Customer side
responsibility- questions on responsibility of customer wrt to aws
*VPC and security groups
*Redshift - questions from analytical tables like that,
* Some basic questions from edge locations, availability zones, geographical regions.
*Questions from support plans- they asked about enterprises level, and business level
questions ( support through email nd call with waiting period)
*Cloudtrail- basic Questions from cloudtrail like uses.
*Cloudwatch- some scenario base questions .
*And some questions from billing sections cost explorer.
*6-7 Questions directly came from awsboyz.
*Sagemaker- Don't know about that may be that question's answer got wrong
*IAM- one or two questions from giving roles to user and one question from scenario based.
* I recommend to go through awsboyz practise paper, in awsboyz questions based on billing
(must try)
Go through AWS terminology pdf.

N. Naveen
~first thoroughly concentrate on aws Documents and read Terminology Paper.
~go in depth on storage--S3,EBS,EFS,Snow family .compute--EC2, Lambda,beanstalk
(intermediate) networking concepts like VPC, Route53
~In VPC--Vpc endpoints & Vpc peering
~5 pillar architecture is more important
~For database RDS, Dynamo DB intermediate level I faced the Questions on It.
~Security & Compliances concepts
Aws shield , macie, inspector Direct Question.

Moreover, Aws boys must and should have faced a lot of similar questions on my exam.
Keep practicing on those things, definitely you guys will clear the exam all the best Thank


❖ Concentrate on Terminology documents.

❖ Shared responsibility Model (around 4–5 questions)
❖ S3 : Permissions, Policy, Storage classes and good understanding of basics.
❖ EC2 : Good understanding of Reserved Instances and Spot instances, about pricing
and which one to use when.
❖ Good understanding of RDS, Dynamodb and Aurora.
❖ Basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud.(Regions and Availability Zones)
❖ AWS Pricing model and Billing.

❖ Basic Questions from Cloudtrail.

❖ Elastic Beanstalk question related to java, python deploying.
❖ Mandatory AWS Well-Architected Framework.

❖ AWS Kinesis one question is compulsory.

❖ AWS Device Farm compulsory question will come.
❖ Read EFS, DDoS concepts.
❖ Concentrate on ELB, Route53, Redshift, AWS Glue concepts.
❖ Read AWS Support plans : Basic,Developer,Business and Enterprise.
❖ VPC and security groups questions will come nearly 2-3.
❖ Practice more and more questions and concepts from AWSBoy.
❖ Go through the official AWS Documents, Blogs for the latest update.
Personally I enrolled into the AWS Skill Builder program, just a week before appearing for the
Certification exam. Read all the concepts. Finally, official 30 questions from the quiz are
available. Definitely these questions will come in the exam.


● Shared responsibility model 6 questions

● Instance type questions around 5 to 6
● Cloud watch and cloud trail 4 questions
● Pricing of instances 3 questions
● Vpc and vpc peering 2 questions
● Elastic beanstalk
● Dynamodb
● Sqs
● 5 pillar architecture 7 questions
● S3 , ebs, efs
● Macie
● Cost explorer
● IAM 4 questions
75 % questions came from AWS boys

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