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Reaction Paper to the Topic: Special Issues on Health,

Education and Housing
The presentation on special issues concerning the administration of social and
political development presented a detailed review of the challenges faced in the Philippines in
the areas of health, education, and housing. As I listened to the speaker, it became clear that
these challenges are interrelated and that effective solutions requires a combined effort
between the public and private sectors. While progress has been made in improving people's
lives and health, it has been recognized that these gains have not been dispersed equitably,
and considerable issues remain.

Education was a major topic of discussion during the lecture. The rising rate of Out-of-
School Youth (OSY) was recognized as a particularly concerning issue, which was
compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was distressing to find that a huge portion of the
population is still unemployed or underpaid because of a mismatch between their education
and the actual employment requirements. The existence of a social divide in access to
education was again highlighted, emphasizing the importance of equal learning opportunities
for all. Furthermore, a shortage of resources such as classrooms, teachers, and learning
equipment make it difficult to provide quality education to the Filipino kids.

The discussion of housing drew attention to the problems caused by poverty and rapid
population increase. Housing transaction expenses have been identified as a substantial
barrier to getting adequate housing options. It was disturbing to see that the majority of Local
Government Units (LGUs) do not have comprehensive shelter plans and programs, worsening
the housing problem. The lecture emphasized the need of resolving these challenges in order
to provide marginalized populations with adequate living conditions.

The connection between these topics and the issue of social justice is undeniable.
Access to quality healthcare, education, and housing are fundamental rights that contribute
to social equity and fairness. The disparities highlighted in the presentation underscore the
need for a just and inclusive society. Social justice demands that every individual, regardless
of their socio-economic background, should have equal opportunities for healthcare,
education, and decent housing. It is crucial for policymakers and society as a whole to address
these special issues and work towards eliminating barriers that prevent marginalized
communities from accessing these essential services. By prioritizing social justice in the
administration of social and political development, we can strive for a more equitable society
where every individual has the chance to thrive and contribute to the nation's progress.

In conclusion, the presentation provided a thought-provoking analysis of the special

issues surrounding the administration of social and political development in the Philippines.
It highlighted the need for collaboration between the public and private sectors to address
these challenges effectively. As a listener, I was particularly struck by the urgency of providing
equal access to education, combating the growing rate of Out-of-School Youth, and bridging
the gap between training and job opportunities. Similarly, the housing crisis calls for
comprehensive strategies that address poverty, population growth, high transaction costs,
and the lack of shelter plans at the local level. It is my hope that the insights shared in this
presentation serve as a catalyst for meaningful action and inspire policymakers and
stakeholders to work towards sustainable solutions that promote inclusive social and political
development in the Philippines.

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