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The long-term energy vision of Sibelco Deutschland GmbH is to strive for operational excellence in terms
of global corporate policy and to continuously improve specific energy consumption.

As a mining company, the sustainable development of our business is of fundamental importance to us.
Therefore, our business activities also require an in-depth analysis of the socio-ecological environment.
This results in our commitment to achieve the climate policy objectives currently agreed, as agreed in
the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

We reach the increase of the energy efficiency and the reduction walking along with it of our CO2 issues
through the implementation of:

- Objectives and KPIs in all relevant areas of the organization

- Maintenance and analysis of consumption
- Introduction of energy-efficient solutions and the expansion of renewable energies

Every employee should:

- Know the vision, goals and roadmap of energy management

- know the importance of energy efficiency, roles and responsibilities.

Each employee has access to the energy-relevant information in Teams/Sharepoint/Power BI at:

 Energy management (TEAMS/SHAREPOINT)

 Energy management dashboard, (POWER BI)
 BDE Deutschland (PowerBI)
 PEER Report (PowerBI)

To achieve our vision, we introduce an energy management system according to DIN EN ISO
50001:2018, which is based on the European Energy Management Manual.

To optimize processes and achieve goals, we use the following tools:

- In regularly agreed shift, day, week and monthly meetings, the key figures are analyzed and
discussed in the context of performance dialogs; The meeting content is specified by GNP
working methodology and the terms of reference (ToR)
- Quaternary Energy Management Reviews and Energy Management Team Meetings
- Each production site provides the energy acquisition data monthly in the corporate PEER report,
which serves as the basis for the efficiency analysis and
- the energy-relevant personnel (energy team, location manager, etc.) supports the energy
management officer with 4-6 wastewalks per year
- Problem Solving Workshops discuss issues, solve them, and generate improvement ideas
- regularly scheduled internal audits are carried out by qualified auditors.

The training of the employees is carried out by the respective site management. The employees are
regularly trained and their competence evaluated and expanded. Energy-relevant topics and KPIs are
discussed as part of the performance dialogue and toolbox meetings. The results of toolbox meetings
are documented in SAM.

SAM is used to document audits, meetings, and training. Measures are created and retained in SAM and
are retained in the energy management PBI report. Document control is also performed via SAM.
Every employee should contribute to continuous improvement. Ideas are accepted and evaluated by the
respective superiors. Regardless of the actual implementation, the proposals submitted are always
provided with feedback.

In addition to the efficiency improvement goal of energy management, our agreed goal is to achieve a
best practice score of 5 in the Energy Review Grid for orientation and control.

Lean Management Tools: The lean management tools introduced under BSP are the key tools for
improving performance (OEE, Problem Solving, Gemba Walk, etc.). These tools will be used to develop
new initiatives to improve processes.

Each employee assumes responsibility and takes care of their processes. Each employee has access to
the necessary data in order to be able to make decisions as autonomously as possible, if necessary with
the support of the supervisor. Each employee knows their key figures that have been defined for the

The maintenance works in a planned and forward-looking manner on the basis of the Maintenance
Manual in order to maintain the machines and equipment in optimum operational condition and to
detect efficiency losses in a timely manner. Data analysis is constantly being expanded. Services and
equipment are maintained and planned in M3.

We maintain a legal register that documents opportunities and risks arising from legislation and to
which we adhere in a binding manner.

Based on regular analyses and as part of the annual investment planning, investment projects for energy
efficiency and process optimization are developed and prepared for the approval process, either as a
BSP, continuation or growth project. Each project will be reviewed by the EnMB for possible impacts on
energy efficiency. A central project list is maintained for this purpose.

All our activities are in accordance with the Sibelco Operating Model (SOM) and meet the Minimal
Standards (MICS). Process Confirmations is used to evaluate the success of the actions carried out and to
initiate corrective actions if necessary.

(automatic translation from German)

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