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Under-Secretary-General of Training and Impact (USG of T&I)

(Works with Deputy Director-General: Adhulan Rajkamal)

Plans and executes the delegate training sessions.
Approximate Time Spent by this member of the Secretariat: 19


1. Strong leadership skills: The USG of T&I being responsible for the training of all delegates
in the conference, should be able to effectively lead a team of mentors towards the common
goal of training all delegates. He/she should also be able to inspire and motivate mentors to
perform their duty of training to the fullest.
2. Communication skills: The USG of T&I is required to communicate lesson plans, updates,
and other information with all the mentors and/or other secretariat members; hence, he/she
should be an effective communicator, able to convey information clearly and concisely to
avoid any misinterpretation of information. He/she should be able to listen actively and
respond appropriately to any concerns or questions raised by mentors or other members of
the secretariat.
3. Availability and Activeness- The USG of T&I needs to be available and active in the
WhatsApp groups and should be easy to contact most of the time. He/she must have the time
and enthusiasm to attend multiple meetings and stay involved most of the time, for delegate
training requires continuous involvement.
4. Planning skills: The USG of T&I is responsible for creating lesson plans and delegate
training schedules prior to the commencement of the delegate training session; hence it is
required for him/her to possess effective planning and scheduling skills.
5. Training Resource Creation and Management: The USG of T&I is required to create
delegate training resources and effectively distribute them to all the mentors so that all
delegates have consistent and effective training. Hence, he/she must have sufficient resources
(PPTs, Guides, Notes, Cheat-sheets, etc.) creation skills and the ability to distribute the
resources to all mentors and brief mentors on how to use the provided resources effectively.
6. Inclusivity and diplomacy: The USG of T&I, being a member of the secretariat, is
responsible for creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants, including
delegates, chairs, and mentors. They should be able to ensure that the delegate training
process adheres to the values of MUN, such as diplomacy, respect, and collaboration and
must treat all mentors equally and inclusively.
List of roles and responsibilities:

Task Hours Taken

1. Create a detailed session-wise training plan for delegates


2. Create necessary training resources for delegate training


3. Schedule the delegate training sessions


4. Communicate with mentors the plan for each session and the
resources they must use through:

- WhatsApp (for simple plans)

- Zoom Meeting (for complex plans)

5. Collect feedback from delegates (about training resources and

method) and evaluate training sessions to identify and implement

6. Create and circulate summaries/ checklists/ cheat-sheets for

delegates through WhatsApp


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