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2. Listening
1. No. They have the flu.
2. Yes. Let´s get some paper
3. Yes. Buy some.
4. No. I don’t.
5. No. We need some.
6. No. I like chocolate cake.

3. Listening
1. You should start planning before you get there.
2. Tourists ought to be careful. Travel in groups and don´t go off on your own.
3. Don´t be afraid to ask for directions.
4. Don´t leave anything valuable in your car.

4. Locations
1. The parking lot is on Second Avenue/between Washington and Jefferson/across from the
Korean restaurant.

2. The drugstore is on Lincoln Street and Jefferson Street/between the coffee bar and
Computer Wizards.

3. The dance club is on Second Avenue/between Lincoln Street and Jefferson Street/across
from the movie theater.

4. The bus stop is on the corner of Lincoln Street and Third Avenue/in front of the coffee
bar. The other bus stop is on the corner of Washington Street and Third Avenue/behind the
parking lot.

5. The Japanese restaurant is on the corner of Lincoln Street and First Avenue/next to the
Hair Salon.

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