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To: Professor Katie Krahn

From: Samuel Grant
Date: September 19, 2023
Subject: Technical Documentation

This memo provides an overview of what I will be creating for our second project. For this
assignment I will create a slide cast which provides a technical description of choosing your first
3d printer.

Audience: The audience for this project will be people who are already interested in buying
a 3d printer and who have not done heavy research on the project. This will not be aimed that
those who have already done research into the basics of printing and recommended printers
as they will likely not gain anything from this.

Need: The audience will need to understand the basics of how 3D printers’ function, the steps in
using them, and the different types of printers. Since this is a very large topic, I will not be able
to go extremely in depth especially for the types and brands of printers. I will instead give a brief
overview for that section and my personal recommendations I then will encourage the audience
to do more research into what their specific needs would be.
Option: I will use Option 2 Extended Technical Description because there are many details and
factors when it comes to 3D printers, and which one would be correct for each person.
Rhetorical Moves: I will begin my explaining how the two types of 3D printers, resin and FDM,
work and their pros and cons. I will then go into the details about types of FDM printers such as
cartesian core x y and belt. I will then go into my two recommended starter printers for FDM and
explain why I do not recommend resin.
Organizational Pattern: I will be using a Compare/Contrast organization pattern. This will be
best for my topic since I will need to compare different types of 3d printers and how they might
be better suited to each person. I will compare the two main types of printers and then the
subtypes of FDM printing as it is much more diverse when it comes to printer designs.
Conclusion: This document gives my outline for project two. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me.

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