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Human Resource Management Principles

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Human Resource Management Principles

Applying human resource management (HRM) principles during employee

recruitment of a software engineer makes it effective. Demand for skilled professionals in the

software engineering field remains high due to the advancement of technology. The position

requires KSA requirements like problem-solving abilities, communication skills, teamwork,

and analytical thinking. Additionally, the individual in this position should have a strong

understanding of programming languages. This report aims to discuss the software engineer

position, state the importance of diversity and inclusion during recruitment, and summarize

the steps HR should use during the employee selection process.

A Senior Software Engineer requires technical expertise, leadership abilities, and

practical collaboration skills. First, the position requires specialized knowledge. That is, the

individual for the position should have a deep understanding of software development

methodologies and languages used during programming. Also, the individual should

understand frameworks that are relevant during any task. Secondly, the individual should

have problem-solving skills because software engineering entails solving complex problems

that need solutions (Macke & Genari, 2019). Another KSA requirement is leadership skills.

The individual should be able to mentor other individuals in the software engineering team by

providing guidance and fostering a culture of innovation.

Additionally, the individual should have excellent verbal and written communication

skills, effective when the engineer tries to convey technical concepts. These skills help

individuals to collaborate with fellow employees, cross-functional teams, clients, and

stakeholders. Lastly, the individual should have adaptability and KSA skills to help them in

the changing technology field (Stahl et al., 2020). Also, adaptability allows individuals to

maintain a high level of productivity and quality which is essential during project


Recruitment Methods Fostering Diversity and Inclusion

In order to create a vibrant and productive workplace, it is essential to consider

diversity and inclusion (Macke & Genari, 2019). Diverse cultures and social practices of the

local community should be embraced as it attracts talent from various backgrounds. In the

software engineering field, multiple methods are used to employ individuals. The first

example is using job advertisements because they attract diverse individuals. The job

advertisements use inclusive language and avoid gender-coded language to include diversity.

Also, diversity highlights the company's commitment to providing equal opportunities and

helping create a welcoming environment for people from different backgrounds. For

example, neutral terms such as "experienced software engineer" are used to emphasize the

roles and responsibilities of the individual.

The second method is targeting outreach programs by engaging in local organizations

and professional networks (Stahl et al., 2020). The programs help organizations tap into a

diverse talent pool by representing unrepresented individuals. Organizations increase their

visibility among diverse communities through participating in career events. For example,

partnering with organizations like Black Girls Code helps the company to connect with

minority candidates interested in pursuing software engineering careers.

Thirdly, the organization engages in employee referral programs that tap into

employees' networks that include individuals from diverse backgrounds. The organization

encourages employees to refer candidates who come from unrepresented groups by

introducing incentives and promoting referrals. For example, the organization should

introduce bonuses to individuals who refer candidates from unrepresented cultures.

Also, the organization should partner with diverse communities as it helps to tap into

talents that are underrepresented in the engineering field (Kuknor & Bhattacharya, 2020). For

example, collaborating with disability advocacy groups helps the organization identify

talented individuals from such areas. Lastly, the organization implements inclusive interview

practices, which ensure fair recruitment and evaluation of candidates by levelling the playing

field. For example, the organization asks competent-based questions that allow candidates to

provide specific examples that focus on their past experiences in the engineering field.

Employee Selection Process

The process of selecting employees is essential because it ensures that candidates who

are given the position are skilled. Each step during the process contributes to selecting

influential individuals. First, the employer should conduct a thorough job analysis which

involves defining the requirements needed for the position, like, the KSAs (Kuknor &

Bhattacharya, 2020). HR professionals work closely with hiring managers during job analysis

to identify if the candidate has the critical competencies required for the role. After

conducting a job analysis, the organization attracts individuals through sourcing processes. It

uses methods like online platforms, job boards, and professional networks to attract diverse

candidates. The screening process begins after receiving applications, and the HR review

cover letters and resumes to shortlist candidates. The HR evaluates the candidates'

educational background, technical skills, and relevant work experience.

The third process is conducting interviews because they provide an opportunity to

assess candidates' KSAs. Structured interviews are completed, and the HR professional asks

the candidates behavioral and technical questions. Such questions help HR to evaluate the

candidates' collaboration skills, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Technical interviews in the engineering field involve coding challenges which help the HR to

assess the candidates' familiarity with relevant technology.

Also, the organization employees' assessment methods help the HR to get insights into

candidates' suitability for the position (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021). The plans include technical

tests, which are either written or online. They test individuals' proficiency in programming

languages and algorithms. Work simulations help HR to assess the candidates' ability to apply

their technical knowledge while solving problems. Personality assessments evaluate the

candidates' work styles and personality traits. The HR then does a background check to get

information about the candidate's work ethic and previous performance in the engineering

field. Lastly, HR makes a decision and offers the job to the most qualified individuals. The

job offer is extended, and it includes details like start date, salary, and benefits that come with

the position.

Review of Existing Research on Recruitment Methods

A valuable insight is provided into the effectiveness of different recruitment methods

from the existing research done. They show that focusing on diversity during recruitment

impacts the organization's innovation and performance. The organization uses methods like

diverse job advertisements and inclusive selection processes to attract candidates from

diverse backgrounds. Additionally, studies show that it is important to mitigate unconscious

biases during employee recruitment by conducting structured interviews using a diverse panel

and objective assessment methods. The methods enhance the likelihood of selecting the most

qualified candidates who have the KSA qualities (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021). Organizations

use employee referrals because they attract qualified candidates. The programs promote

diversity and inclusion in the organization. Also, social media platforms attract candidates

from diverse backgrounds.

In summary, it is important for HR professionals to evaluate the methods used during

recruitment of employees. The KSAs should be understood because they are important during

evaluation and recruitment as they provide diversity and follow a well-structured

employment process. Organizations attract and select top talent and build a diverse and

inclusive workforce using selection methods like board advertisements and social media

platforms. The HR principles help the organization to improve in performance and

innovation. Also, they promote employee satisfaction by introducing incentives and bonuses.


Anwar, G., & Abdullah, N. N. (2021). The impact of Human Resource Management Practice

on organizational performance. International Journal of Engineering, Business and

Management, 5(1), 35–47.

Kuknor, S. C., & Bhattacharya, S. (2020). Inclusive leadership: New age leadership to foster

organizational inclusion. European Journal of Training and Development, 46(9), 771–


Macke, J., & Genari, D. (2019). Systematic Literature Review on Sustainable Human

Resource Management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 806–815.

Stahl, G. K., Brewster, C. J., Collings, D. G., & Hajro, A. (2020). Enhancing the role of

Human Resource Management in corporate sustainability and Social Responsibility:

A multi-stakeholder, multidimensional approach to HRM. Human Resource

Management Review, 30(3), 100708.

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