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HR Education

1.) Defined as supreme, inherent, and inalienable rights to life, to dignity, and to self development. The
essence of these rights makes man human. It is concerned with civil, political, economic, social, and
cultural rights. Human Rights

2.) Basic Characteristics of Human Rights

1. Inherent - natural or inborn. Not granted by any person or authority

2. Fundamental - essential. Without them, the life and dignity of man will be meaningless

3. Inalienable - Cannot be rightfully taken away from a free individual

4. Imprescriptible - Cannot be lost even if man fails to use or assert them, even by a long passage of

5. Indivisible - Not capable of being divided. Cannot be denied even when other rights have already
been enjoyed

6. Universal - Applies irrespective of one's origin, status, or condition or place where one lives

7. Interdependent - The fulfillment or exercise of one cannot be had without the realization of the


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