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Lucilla Servo

Most dangerous ways to school

1) What are the advantages of having an education nowadays?

Having an education can help you in different situations. For example, it can let you
understand things and succeed in life.

2) Is going to school the same as having an education?

I think it is not, because school improves your education, but also other people outside the
school can contribute to enrich your education.

3) Do you think that having a dream is enough to succeed?

If one really dreams something, that determination improves the possibility to succeed.

4) How do we learn how to become responsible for our own actions? Who teaches us that?
Ourselves? Someone? Is there an age to learn it?

We learn how to become responsible from our mistakes, which allow us to improve.
Sometimes the parents teach us, but if a child becomes used to get by on his own, then he
has learned by himself. There is no age to learn: even as adults we can.

5) Why do you think parents would allow you to go to school if it were dangerous?

I think parents would let us go to school even if it were dangerous, because they know
education is fundamental for one’s personal development.

6) If the poorer students get low grades, why then the well-off students do not get high

The reason poorer students get low grades is because it is tough for them to study when
they need to help the family make a living. However, not having to contribute, does not
determine that one is a good student; only some are, those who try hard.

7) If you do not have a dangerous way home, what stops you from giving a hundred percent
in all lessons?

Laziness, being spoiled and immature are (unacceptable) reasons why one would not profit
from every opportunity to learn.

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