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Name: Jan Paulo P. Narvaja Date: March 9, 2021

Course/Block: BPA 1-Block A Time/Day: 3:00-4:00TF


1. Self-defense
 Our lives have purposes in this world, right, isn’t it? Of course, so we have to protect
our lives in case of emergency, but how do we do that? Yes! In behalf of our lives, we
can used self-defense where in you can protect yourself against violence by using
reasonable force, also it can be used as justification in several changes including
murder, assault and battery.

2. Code of conduct
 To start with, all sports and other activities have rules and regulations. Therefore,
there is a set of rules also known as code of conduct where in the set of rules serves as
a guide behavior and decisions in a specified situation.

3. Philosophy
 Philosophy literally means love of wisdom. Based from observation and speculation
about things and event, philosophers were able to explain human experiences and
beliefs with the use of reason.

4. Mano-mano
 Mano-mano means you have to do things in your own way, in other words you have
to do a task without special equipment.

5. Governing Body
 Governing Body is a way how you will be able to control the actions or behavior of
yours while or during not only in Arnis but also in other sports.


1. In your own opinion, what is Code of Conduct?
 Perhaps all of us loves sport either it is physical or mental. However, do you know
playing sport is just not literally playing or doing whatever you want. It requires good
etiquette or behavior, that is why we have Code of Conduct where in it clearly lays
out the rules for behavior and provides the grand work for a preemptive warning.
Also, Code of Conduct has many benefits such as it creates a positive image for
someone and good relations to other people.

2. What is relevance of discipline in Self-defense? Why do we need to be disciplined in

playing Arnis?
 Self-defense is a way to protect ourselves from any other danger particularly other
people who wants to hurt us. Also, self-defense is a protection knowledge that we
should know especially the Arnis where in it can gives you knowledge how should
you protect yourself. Therefore, we need discipline not only in Arnis but also in other
aspect of our life, because sometimes other people who have much knowledge or
power, they are taking advantage of it. In other words, those people who have much
power they actually use it from hurting people in order to do what they want.

3. What is importance of having discipline in any type of sports or martial arts?

 Self-discipline is important not only in sports but also in life. Self-discipline will
actually teach you what is right from wrong, and also eventually it will serve you as
ability to make yourself do things that should be done. In addition, when you have
discipline you can rule yourself with efficiently and effectively, also discipline is a
key in the present for a better life in the future.


List at least five (5) benefits from learning Arnis.
1. It promotes a sense of nationalism and pride as a Filipino.
2. It is fun and a great way to meet other people.
3. Practical self-defense is learned.
4. Ability to use any weapon especially in case of emergency.
5. It compliments and enhances any martial art.

Give at least five (5) code of conduct in Arnis.

1. Abide by the rules of one’s club and association.
2. Be disciplined in the training and appreciation of martial arts.
3. Set a good example to promote martial arts practice.
4. Respect fellow martial arts practitioners.
5. Uphold true martial arts spirit.

11-15 Why do we need to take note some of the common rules in Arnis?
 Arnis is not just only a sport where in you can do whatever you want, it requires self-
discipline and good etiquette. Also, we need to practice the common rules in Arnis
because it serves as guide for you not only in Arnis but also how you become a better


A. Identification
1. 24 inches long for elementary 4. White T-shirt
2. 28 to 30 inches long for high-school 5. Red pants
3. One inch in diameter

B. True or False
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F


1. Abanico
 Refers to the distinctive fan-like way of using the weapon or stick which gave the
style its name.
2. Largo
 There are three common ranges that are utilized in Arnis, Kali, and Escrima. Largo
(long), Medio (medium), Corto (short range).
3. Pangagaw
 Referring to disarming techniques.
4. Pangandam
 It means on guard or ready.
5. Panukad
 Means stance.
6. Patama
 Execution of swinging movements and stroking for offense and defense.
7. Saludo
 Salutation or “saludo” stand straight with feet at 45 degrees.
8. Sangga
 Execution of repetitive defense.
9. Sinawali
 Sinawali is the double-crane method of fighting of Arnis, Escrima, and Kali.
10. Sungkiti
 It means hooking thrust.

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